Now Listen To This! 4 Useful interviews
Here are five interviews I did recently! What will you learn if you listen in? Thriver Podcast-on Human Design On Marian Bacol-Uba’s podcast, you’ll learn how human design and gene keys can help you as an entrepreneur and as a person. Successful Blogger Podcast On Leslie’s podcast, you’ll learn how I built my […]
My mistakes of 2019!
hi hi hi! It’s THAT time of year again! When i tell you about my MISTAKES! OH MY GOSH! SO MANY Beautiful MISTAKES! LET’S TALK ABOUT THEM! BUSINESS MISTAKES 0. I let contracts slide-this was a huge source of guilt for me- because I do not like to make them! AND NOW I have […]
NEW Name It Podcast!: Radical Truthtelling with Women of Color in Philanthropy Panel
Listen, Subscribe and Rate to our new podcast episode, here Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 53:13Subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | Spotify If you listen to this episode today, you will learn about: 1. What triggers you and creates barriers? What keeps you going? 2. It is often said […]
NEW Name It Podcast!: Critical Consciousness and Ethical Nonprofit Storytelling Interview with Jarell Skinner-Roy
We were lucky to get the chance to sit down with Jarell Skinner-Roy, who wrote a powerful article on dismantling white supremacy in nonprofits. Here’s the link to listen to the podcast! 1) Jarell, what is your background in the nonprofit sector? 2) In your YNPN Twin Cities article, you ask people in nonprofit organizations […]
NAMEIT! Podcast: Why women have a harder time getting nonprofit leadership roles
In this interview with Aaron Levine, who has a master’s in sociology from Portland State University, we discuss what hegemonic masculinity is- and how it manifests in our nonprofits. Listen here! Show 1: Introduction, Gender Structure and the Workplace Start out with: Here’s what we know for sure. Studies show women make less. But […]
Announcing the Name It! Podcast!
Welcome to Martin Luther King Jr. Day! And welcome to our new podcast! Helen Choi and I met up in November, in Toronto at AFP Congress. We started talking about the conference theme, disrupting philanthropy. And we started to talk about what we wanted to see for the sector. She said, let’s start a podcast! […]