It’s 10 years in and what have you learned?

HERSTORY: In 2008 I had the idea to start a business. i was still working for a nonprofit. but I decided to start writing my book. I called it the CD project. Hilarious. Here I am in my barely furnished apartment in Portland. I had literally no money despite working full time in nonprofits for […]

How to hire a fundraising consultant

So you want to hire a nonprofit consultant. What do you need? Here’s how to go about doing it for the best results. Don’t just hire a guy that that guy down the street told you to hire. Maybe you need an expert in a certain kind of fundraising. Maybe you need to figure out […]

Astonishing! If you have more women of color presenting at a conference…

This year at the Fundraising Career Conference, we had 6 women of color presenting, out of 9 presenters in 11 sessions.  Heres’s what I found with this lineup of speakers, after 4 years of running this online conference. If you have lots of women of color speakers, you get more women and men of color […]

What’s behind your staying after 5pm? Interview with Sarai Johnson

When I met Sarai Johnson last year, I felt super excited. She is the founder of the Lean Nonprofit, and she has so much nonprofit experience!   1. How do Consultants start out? It isn’t true for everyone, but I would be hard-pressed to think of more than a handful of consultants who didn’t have […]

Are you ready to fail? You better be!

Are you friends with failure? I remember at one of my old nonprofit fundraising jobs, making the smallest mistake was the cause for disciplinary action, reprimand, and dire accusations of waste and thoughtlessness. Imagine if we encouraged our fundraising staff to make mistakes. What if their job was to try 3 new things every year? […]

The Gig Economy and the Nonprofit Sector

In November 2016 Yes Magazine published a happy go lucky article about the gig economy and how we should all LOVE IT because it gives us SO MUCH FLEXIBILITY! But what if we want safety as well as flexibility? What then? Should you consult, or should you work full time? What will make you happier? […]