[INTERVIEW] 8 Questions Answered about Online Fundraising!

5. What are some email marketing strategies that you’ve found that helps people give?

As with all of our marketing strategies – test, learn, then tweak. Our approach is to continually optimize by applying a test and learn strategy. Test subject lines, asks, copy, images etc. to drive increased donations.

Email software: We are currently investigating different email deployment options.

We have certain limitations with our current email system, which is why we are exploring new options. Our learnings in this area are minimal. We have noticed that any email subject line or header in an e-newsletter that offers a value-add to our readers has a higher click-through rate. A recipe always performs well.

How do you tell your nonprofit’s story in 8 easy steps?

How can you make a photoset and submit to Tech Soup’s Digital Storytelling Contest?

Here’s how I learned to use Animoto and Audacity. Super simple. With Screenshots.

This is so easy.
It can take less than an hour to get your story out there.
You can use this over and over again in appeals online, on youtube, on vimeo, on your website, wherever.
It’s effective in fundraising and appeals
It can be SO EASY. So if you have an hour, why not try it?

How can nonprofits monitor their online reputations?

Online Reputation

This month’s Net2ThinkTank Challenge is, “What are your best practices for effectively monitoring online feedback about your organization, cause, or social enterprise? What are your favorite tools and tactics for listening?” AKA, “How can nonprofits monitor their online reputations?”

3 tips to dramatically increase website donations

Have you ever bought something online? OF COURSE! You know it! What did you buy? Was it a book from bookfinder.com? Was it something off of Amazon or iTunes? More and more people are shopping online, and more people are giving online. How can you take advantage of the fact that people are often online […]