Are you the Queen of the Neighborhood?

Have you ever heard the song Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill? It goes like this: Rebel Girl! Rebel Girl! Rebel Girl you are the queen of my world! I wanna take you home I wanna try on your clothes When she talks I hear the revolution When she walks the revolution’s coming! That girl thinks […]

Changing Your Language, Changing Your Life

Whether you’re working to rescue animals or simply to improve the world, there’s a vocabulary around what you do.

There’s a measure of educating the community in nonprofit, charity and cause related marketing. You tell people what you do, and you tell them why they should care. But have you ever thought about going further, and starting a movement, educating an entire group about the ideas behind what you do?

Isn’t it time we started to talk among ourselves about the ideas that make us get up and go to work every day?

Your Massive Fundraising Resource List

Here’s my resource list! I would like to keep it growing! Can you comment at the bottom with your favorite twitter friends, blogs, books, or other resources? Twitter If you’re looking for people to follow, may I suggest: @wildwomanfund/funders (This is a list: I followed all of the top 100 foundations on Foundation Center, now […]

Are You Fundraising in a Small Shop?

If you are fundraising in a small shop, I salute you. It is hard. You come to work and often receive no kudos or respect for what you do. I want you to know that I know what you’re going through. And I appreciate that you take a small part of your limited time to read this.

Aw Girl, are you JADED?

jaded obama

Do you advocate for people to give to causes, but never give to causes yourself?
Why is that?