Starting Your Major Gifts Program
This is part one in a series of ten on major gifts. What are major gifts? Gifts that make a significant difference for your organization. Why pursue leadership or major gifts? Because this is the way you can get money in the shortest amount of time with the least cash outlay by your nonprofit. What […]
52 Ways to Fundraise
Here are 52 ways to fundraise, one for each week of the year! Of these, which ones do you think yield the most money? Which ones, the least? If you have any to add, please leave a comment! 1. Quarterly Appeal letter 2. Grants 3. Your Annual Report 4. Sell Fruit 5. Old-time photograph booth […]
Why Major Gifts Fundraising is Like Hosting a Dinner Party: Guest Post by Cassie Gruenstein
How you can become a Chief Development Officer
So how she got her executive position was at first through just volunteering, and she said, “You would not believe how many people become executives through volunteering first” and it’s definitely true in my experience as well.
“Money makes the world go around. If you can raise the money, you can do the good works.” -Lisa Avra
Do you have what it takes to be Chief Development Officer?
Why not come and find out? This July 27th, at 5:30pm at 2500 Exposition, Howson library in Austin, Texas, we’ll be listening to Lisa Avra, Chief Development Officer, Harry Ransom Center at University of Texas at Austin. Ms. Avra graduated from Baylor University with a BA in Mass Communication and English. She then went on […]
Your Massive Fundraising Resource List
Here’s my resource list! I would like to keep it growing! Can you comment at the bottom with your favorite twitter friends, blogs, books, or other resources? Twitter If you’re looking for people to follow, may I suggest: @wildwomanfund/funders (This is a list: I followed all of the top 100 foundations on Foundation Center, now […]