How to do a better board training (with Andy Robinson)
Recently I had coffee with Andy Robinson, who has been training boards for over 35 years. I got the chance to ask Andy, board trainer extraordinaire of, my most burning questions about board training. SO of course, I asked him to solve my problems-and asked him how I could be unconsciously holding myself back […]
Last Chance to join us for the Next Level Fundraising Conference!
Do you want to grow your fundraising 10x in the next 3 years? If so, how will you get there? If you don’t have a plan yet, learn how to grow your fundraising results 10x at the Next Level Fundraising Conference, April 4th-5th, 2016. Whether you’re a founder, executive director, CEO or development professional, you’ve […]
Book review: Mindset, A New Psychology of Success
Were you ever in a position to teach someone who seemed very smart? How did you teach them? Have you ever taught someone who seemed very stupid? What did you change in your approach to help them learn? The book, Mindset by Carol Dweck, talks about two kinds of people in the world. One set […]
Here’s a way to achieve work-life balance at your nonprofit job
Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and today I am so psyched to introduce to you Coach Victoria Albina. Coach Vic is going to be speaking at the Fundraising Career Conference in April 2016, and I’m really, really excited to introduce you to her. She and I have […]
Do you really want to grow?
Do you really want to grow? Or are you just saying you want to grow? Recently I was chatting with a Canadian nonprofit. They were talking about how they wanted to grow. Then they said, “But we don’t want to collaborate with anyone, we don’t have any succession planning, we don’t want to make a […]
Are you abandoning yourself for your job?
Recently I read an article in Elephant Journal about why our relationships fail. Its advice wasn’t just, “Talk more” or “do things together.” This article particularly wanted us to understand how we abandon ourselves in relationships. It talked about four different reasons why we fail ourselves in relationships. When we are in dysfunctional relationships, we […]