Grope-a-palooza and what are nonprofits doing about it?

Every time a TSA operative asks me if he or she can “take a look in my bag,” I say: “Sure, if you can show me a warrant.” -Cindy Sheehan

“Do I want a nice dose of radiation and a somewhat nude picture of myself sent to a server somewhere (TSA was caught lying about the ability of machines to store images. Of course they can store images!)? Or perhaps I’d like to be sexually assaulted (there’s really no other word for it) by a frustrated TSA official? Or perhaps I’d rather just do a video conference. Or drive, if the distance is short enough. Or just change my plans.” -Reuben Swartz

So You Want to Be A Nonprofit Consultant -By Mike Bacon

So You Want To Be A Consultant If you want to be a nonprofit consultant, check out this presentation by Mike Bacon of Bacon Lee and Associates in San Antonio, Texas. So you want to be a consultant View more presentations from Mazarine Treyz.

Should Your CEO have a blog?

So I just got around to reading my Association of Fundraising Professionals magazine from May. Um. Well, the cover was boring! White fruit? LOL WUT. I was busy editing my book! What? ANYWAY. There’s a huge section on online marketing and fundraising! Way to get with the program AFP! Well done! There’s an article, called, […]

How can you become a nonprofit consultant?

Mike Bacon, Principal of Bacon Lee and Associates

Have you been having a hard time finding a nonprofit job?

Do you have years of experience that can translate to helping nonprofits, but no idea how to go about getting a foothold in this field?

Have you thought about becoming a nonprofit consultant?

Yesterday at the last Nonprofit Career Club meeting, we talked with Mike Bacon of Bacon Lee and Associates about becoming a nonprofit consultant. Here’s what he shared with us.

Making your Major Gifts Call

This is part three in a series of ten on how to make major gift asks. To read part one, Starting your Major Gifts Program, go here. To read part two, Who is a major donor, go here. After you’ve researched your prospect, through combing your database, or through looking at annual reports of other, […]