What Is Your Vocabulary and How Does It Affect Your Donors?

I took a workshop last weekend about boundaries and one of the things the trainer said struck me.
She said, “New language won’t solve all your problems and make all of your messy relationships neat and sanitized, but it CAN start to help you think differently about how to solve problems.”

12 Tips on How to be a Good Nonprofit Leader: Shackleton Style!

The last several years, I’ve somewhat lost my faith in some nonprofit leaders but in this past year, I’ve found my faith again that good leaders DO exist. Shackleton and his men succeeded against overwhelming odds, and arrived safely back in England. Remember, you can also exhibit these traits, even if you’re not currently in […]

Would you like to learn how to grade your boss? Here’s your checklist

Are you a nonprofit employee? Do you want a clear system to figure out if your nonprofit boss is doing right by your organization or not? Or are you a nonprofit board member? How do you provide oversight and make sure that your organization stays on track? Do you need a model to figure out […]

Will You Look Back With Me on 2011?

So last year I did a post about looking back, thinking about what has happened, taking stock, and reflecting. This year I ask you to join me in reflecting back on what this year has brought for you. Ask yourself these questions: What’s the big idea of this year? What am I most proud of […]

Who will listen to the dead?

Today’s post is for every person reading this blog who is working to help the dead be heard. Whether you’re working at a domestic violence shelter and you work for each woman who is murdered before she can leave for good, or perhaps you’re working at an environmental nonprofit that helps people cut down on […]