I dare you to be your own fundraising guru

Are you looking outside of yourself for the answers? I dare you, right now, to be your own fundraising guru. How does that look? Recently I checked my library account, and I checked out over 100 books in the last year. Did I read them all? No! But did I skim all of them? Yes! […]

I hate being vulnerable.

I hate being vulnerable. That’s what I said last night. I was crying. We get into nonprofits because we are good at solving problems. Or good at taking care of people. We’re taught to think of others first. But there’s a dark side to this. It’s safer when other people need us. If they need us, then […]

[VIDEO] How do you keep your good fundraisers? Interview with Kishshana Palmer

  Transcript MT: Okay, everybody. Welcome. Today’s conversation with Kishshana is going to be about, basically, how do you keep your good people and what do you lose when they don’t stay? Kishshana. You are so incredible. I don’t know if everybody here knows how incredible you are. So do you want to share with […]

Interview with Della Rae- Creating a better workplace from day one

“Organizations that prioritize people as a pillar of the long-term strategy lend themselves to healthier and more sustainable outcomes.” -Della Rae 1. What are some ways organizations can engage new team members from day one? The number one reason people fail before the first 30 days is because on-boarding is typically limited to reviewing duties […]

20 Ways People Lie at Work

I was reading a book called the Psychology of Executive Coaching by Bruce Pelletier and I found these methods, and I have to say, WOW.  These are mindblowing insights into how our nonprofit workplaces can get so dysfunctional. This is how we lie -even to ourselves In other words, this is how people avoid talking […]