I dare you to be your own fundraising guru
Are you looking outside of yourself for the answers? I dare you, right now, to be your own fundraising guru. How does that look? Recently I checked my library account, and I checked out over 100 books in the last year. Did I read them all? No! But did I skim all of them? Yes! […]
I hate being vulnerable.
I hate being vulnerable. That’s what I said last night. I was crying. We get into nonprofits because we are good at solving problems. Or good at taking care of people. We’re taught to think of others first. But there’s a dark side to this. It’s safer when other people need us. If they need us, then […]
[VIDEO] How do you keep your good fundraisers? Interview with Kishshana Palmer
Transcript MT: Okay, everybody. Welcome. Today’s conversation with Kishshana is going to be about, basically, how do you keep your good people and what do you lose when they don’t stay? Kishshana. You are so incredible. I don’t know if everybody here knows how incredible you are. So do you want to share with […]
Interview with Della Rae- Creating a better workplace from day one
“Organizations that prioritize people as a pillar of the long-term strategy lend themselves to healthier and more sustainable outcomes.” -Della Rae 1. What are some ways organizations can engage new team members from day one? The number one reason people fail before the first 30 days is because on-boarding is typically limited to reviewing duties […]
20 Ways People Lie at Work
I was reading a book called the Psychology of Executive Coaching by Bruce Pelletier and I found these methods, and I have to say, WOW. These are mindblowing insights into how our nonprofit workplaces can get so dysfunctional. This is how we lie -even to ourselves In other words, this is how people avoid talking […]
All of Wild Woman’s Best Fundraising Advice of 2017…in One little Article.
What a crazy year! It has been so difficult, for so many of us. We have moved backwards in so many areas. And we have moved forward in others. But we still need to continue to push forward in 2018. And I want to help you get where you want to go. SO, what support […]