What the hiring manager looks for in fundraising

Hey, everybody. Welcome. This interview is part of a series to help you rise in your fundraising career.  This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and I’m so pleased today to interview Claire Axelrad, JD, CFRE, of Clairification.com. You should definitely check out her blog and subscribe. She has just a ton of good […]

Boss clueless about fundraising? Here’s what to do

Read part ONE of this interview here! So if you’re feeling a little bit of that burn, what can you do if your boss doesn’t have a lot of fundraising experience? You talked a little bit about concepts of money. But what else? KP: Another thing you can do when your boss doesn’t really know […]

How to manage up in your fundraising job

MT: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and I’m so happy to introduce Kishshana Palmer. Kishshana, hey. Thanks so much for being here. What’s your fundraising journey? KP: My name is Kishshana Palmer, and I am a fundraising matchmaker and a nonprofit coaching trainer. So I want you all to […]

Do you have Fundraising GRIT?

What is fundraising GRIT? Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance. According to Bill Damon, a Stanford developmental psychologist, you need these 3 things to develop purpose. A spark- something you’re interested in Observing someone, alive or dead, who is purposeful Discovering a problem they want to solve, and believing that it’s possible for […]

13 Behaviors to start building trust at your organization

Here is the invisible thing that’s holding you back in your work Here’s a diagram you can use to understand interactions at your nonprofit MT: So what if I’m a new executive director and I want my board to trust me? You talked earlier about how boards can bully executive directors. What’s the first step […]

6 circles that will change your world

Read about the invisible thing that holds you back at your nonprofit MT: Let’s say that for example, I’m a new development director and I want my executive director to trust me. How would I start making this happen? MP: I think it’s called transactional analysis. MT: I actually do have a book on transactional […]