Where are we headed, as a field? Sarah K. Nathan Interview
Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and I am so excited to interview today Ms. Sarah K. Nathan, PhD, who will be speaking at the Fundraising Career Conference April 6 – 8, 2016. And one of the things that I’m really excited about why she’s speaking for us is […]
Get Your Fundraising Dream Job
Are you ready to get your dream fundraising job? Announcing the Virtual Fundraising Career Conference 2016! When: April 5,6,7th 2016 Where: Online Who: For fundraising professionals who want to move on up in their careers or those who want to start nonprofit consulting Cost: $18 until January 30th. Then the price goes up. How to […]
Are you abandoning yourself for your job?
Recently I read an article in Elephant Journal about why our relationships fail. Its advice wasn’t just, “Talk more” or “do things together.” This article particularly wanted us to understand how we abandon ourselves in relationships. It talked about four different reasons why we fail ourselves in relationships. When we are in dysfunctional relationships, we […]
What stories do you tell about your job?
Ooooh, I was fired from a fundraising job. SHOCKING, right? It was a BAD THING, right? Why did I get fired? Well, with at-will employment, they don’t have to have a reason to fire you. They can just decide they don’t want to see you again. And that’s pretty much what happened, despite raising a […]
4 ways to find what work is most fulfilling to you
Are you wondering how to get more satisfaction from your job? Last month, we had 550 people attend the very first virtual fundraising career conference. It was a smash hit, and one of our presenters, Kishshana Palmer, talked about how to use your strengths in the workplace. I decided to delve deeper, since I’d already […]
What would it take to make your fundraising 100% more effective?
If you are a nonprofit board member, and you are wondering why your fundraising staff doesn’t stay, it may be because you are not paying them enough. Recently I was talking with a nonprofit executive director who had put out a job description for a development officer role, and was paying $30,000 a year. She […]