This is all your sabotage!
Free Fundraising Cover Letter Here
I’m so thankful for Margaret Battistelli for tracking me down and letting me contribute the front page feature to Fundraising Success Magazine. Thank you Margaret! You should go check it out. It’s here: If you’ve read the article, and you’re like, okay, what’s the next step? What if you’re like, “I want to […]
Reader Questions: What needs to be done the first 90 days in a fundraising position
How do you get it all done when you’re a fundraising one-armed paperhanger?
What if “follow your passion” is bad advice?
According to the research of Amy Wrzesniewski, a professor or organizational behavior at Yale, passion takes time. She surveyed over 500 college administrative assistants, and asked them if they would define their work as just a job, a career, or a calling. She found that people were. . .