6 questions to get the best performance from your team.
Do you manage people at your nonprofit? How could you figure out people’s motivation to help them perform better in their roles? You should check out these motivations-and try to match them to people in your organization. Have you ever read Conversations for Creating Star Performers by Shawn Kent Hayashi? In this book he talks […]
4 things to stop doing once you discover your fundraising career strengths
Are you tired of certain aspects of your fundraising work? Do you wish, for example, that your weekly staff meetings could be shortened to a 5 minute standing meeting? Or perhaps you’d like to take that latest state grant proposal and throw it out the window? At our online nonprofit fundraising career conference in April […]
Fundraising Career Pathing – How to Take the Right Job for You
Are you wondering how to get ahead in your fundraising career? Do you know there are things you need to do to get to that next job, but you’re not sure how to look good enough to the hiring manager? It’s difficult to know what to do. So many of us just get dropped into […]
What the hiring manager looks for in fundraising
Hey, everybody. Welcome. This interview is part of a series to help you rise in your fundraising career. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and I’m so pleased today to interview Claire Axelrad, JD, CFRE, of Clairification.com. You should definitely check out her blog and subscribe. She has just a ton of good […]
Next Level: Hamlin Grange interview
Check out this interview with Hamlin Grange-then join us for our Next Level Conference April 4th and 5th 2016. MT: This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and today I am so pleased to share with you Mr. Hamlin Grange, the founder of DiversiPro. He will be speaking at our next level conference. So […]