Have you ever been betrayed?

I remember my last fundraising job, sitting in my chair at my desk, late into the night, week after week, month after month, trying to get ahead of my task list. I thought that maybe, just maybe, my boss would give me a raise, or a better title, if I worked harder and did 5 […]

How to stay competitive in your fundraising career

When it comes to your fundraising career, it’s important to think about how to stay current. What are you doing, right now, to stay fresh with your fundraising talents? According to LinkedIn, here are the hottest, most in-demand skills around the world: Cloud and Distributed Computing Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Web Architecture and Development […]

5 Common Fundraising Resume Mistakes

How do you make a more compelling fundraising resume? Recently I was helping a couple people with their resumes and cover letters. They had both been laid off unexpectedly, and while they looked, they realized that they hadn’t had to look for a job in a long time. They hadn’t kept their resumes up to […]

Book review: Mindset, A New Psychology of Success

Were you ever in a position to teach someone who seemed very smart? How did you teach them? Have you ever taught someone who seemed very stupid? What did you change in your approach to help them learn? The book, Mindset by Carol Dweck, talks about two kinds of people in the world. One set […]

Here’s a way to achieve work-life balance at your nonprofit job

Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and today I am so psyched to introduce to you Coach Victoria Albina. Coach Vic is going to be speaking at the Fundraising Career Conference in April 2016, and I’m really, really excited to introduce you to her. She and I have […]

How to pick a fundraising job that you will absolutely love! -with Abbi Haggerty

Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and I am so pleased today to be interviewing Abbi L. Haggerty, PhD who will be speaking at the Virtual Fundraising Career Conference this April. She’s actually going to be speaking about her PhD research, which I’m just so excited about. So […]