How can you become a successful fundraising consultant?

Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and I am so pleased to have with us today Linda Lysakowski who is a veritable legend in the fundraising world. She has written so many books about fundraising, and she’s also been consulting for a really long time. Linda, thank you […]

All of the joys of 2015

What a year! This year I am so happy that I have gotten to know these wonderful people better! And gotten to work with them! 🙂 Without them, the Fundraising Career Conference would not have been possible. The Fundraising Career Conference was the biggest, scariest and most exciting thing about 2015. I am so happy […]

Elementary my dear: How to interview and find out if your boss is a bully

When you go in for that nonprofit job interview, pretend you’re Sherlock Holmes. Nothing escapes you. Look around. Is this environment going to support you and your goals? What kind of question is that? Isn’t everyone scrambling to find a job? Even if you are scrambling, and you feel that you HAVE TO take the job, these questions are here to help you decide if this job is going to be a difficult one.
