Goal, Motivation, Conflict

How do you know if your nonprofit story is any good? Are you stuck with writing a story right now? How can you make it better? Well, first of all, Check out Goal, Motivation, Conflict. Does your story have all three of these things? If not, rewrite it. So, what’s a principle of Goal? A […]

How can screenwriting help you write your nonprofit story?

  Why do people give us money? It could be because we asked them. Guilt, fear, hope, or even, possibly, because they want more meaning in their lives. But how do we help them find that meaning, through giving to our cause? “Stories are equipment for living.” -Kenneth Burke If Burke is right, then your […]

Successful crowdfunding for photography

This interview is the fourth in our series about how to fundraise for your nonprofit using crowdfunding. Today I am pleased to welcome Tricia Hoffman, Executive Director of Newspace center for photography here in Portland Oregon. Tricia Hoffman has worked in non-profit management for the past 10 years, most recently at Blue Sky Gallery and […]

How can you inspire generosity?

When I was back on the east coast for the holidays, I went to a radical bookstore with my parents in Brattleboro, Vermont. This bookstore was special. And before long, I was browsing around, and I found this book, Inspiring Generosity, and started to read it. It’s by Barbara Bonner, a fundraising consultant and nonprofit […]

How to make every donor want to give to you

Recently I was reading Marie Forleo’s How to Make Every Man Want You. Why? Well, a friend recommended it, and I had been reading Marie’s blog for years, and had never read her book. So I wanted to see what the fuss was about. It was a well written book, it kept my attention, and […]

90 donors in 30 days

I just finished a crowd funding campaign for the Pokey the Penguin comic in December.  We got 90 donors in 30 days! I never thought we would get more than $500. But then, I have very low expectations in general when it comes to fundraising. I encourage my friends to have low expectations too. It […]