Is your fundraiser screwing up? What to do

  Maybe you’ve been in this situation. You’ve hired a fundraiser. You want to support them to do well. But they aren’t meeting their goals. Or maybe they don’t have goals to meet. You just expect them to raise money without you setting goals. First, how are you managing them? Are you giving them realistic […]

Why your board is not motivated-and what you can do about it

Here’s the final part of our interview with Andy Robinson. With 35 years of experience training boards, he’s going to lay bare what he thinks about the typical misconceptions board members have about executive directors, and vice versa. He is going to be speaking about creating more effective board at the Nonprofit Leadership Summit on […]

2 Exercises you can do with your board right now to help your nonprofit grow

This is part three of an interview with Andy Robinson, board trainer par excellence, where he talks about 2 exercises you can do right now to help your nonprofit board envision a grander future for your nonprofit. MT: Are there typical challenges that boards tend to have in small organizations versus large ones? AR: Yeah. […]

YIKES! Whatever you do, don’t do THIS at your board meeting

This is part two of an interview with Andy Robinson, who has authored many books of wonderful worth, including Selling Social Change.  Check out Part one-on 2 things that make your board members work harder for you. Here’s Andy’s advice on how to run a better board meeting. If you’d like to have your board […]

INTERVIEW: How to make your board more effective- with Andy Robinson

Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and today I am so pleased to chat with Andy Robinson, who has authored many books of wonderful worth, including Selling Social Change. He is going to be speaking about creating more effective board at the Nonprofit Leadership Summit on September 27-29, 2016. So […]

How to do a better board training (with Andy Robinson)

Recently I had coffee with Andy Robinson, who has been training boards for over 35 years. I got the chance to ask Andy, board trainer extraordinaire of, my most burning questions about board training. SO of course, I asked him to solve my problems-and asked him how I could be unconsciously holding myself back […]