Are you a one person development shop at a small nonprofit?

What does your board report look like?

Are you a consultant? Does your board report look like a CYA thing? Whether or not you have a good relationship with your boss, it’s good to know what people expect. And if they have no expectations? What do you give them then?

Ever wanted to know what other one-person development shops do?

Time for radical transparency!

Here’s my board report.

ACO July 2011 Board Report
Mazarine Treyz, Development Director
Activities for end of June and beginning of July

Appeal progress
Wrote draft 1 of appeal letter and emailed to board member for editing.
Read “The 7 faces of philanthropy” book about how to get more people to give to ACO.

Grants progress
Did more grant research with NOZA database
Added grants to the grant application calendar (attached)
Applied to the X Foundation online
Met with Program Director of X Foundation, applied to X Foundation

Survey and Workplace giving progress
I need to know if and when we are going to be able to go into Dell children’s hospital, Need to know who, what they will play before I can apply for this

Graphic Design and Branding
Met with designer to talk about graphical standards for ACO, hex codes, logos, etc.
Nonprofit Brand Report from Harvard University Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations

“A nonprofit brand can often serve as a moral compass for the organization, helping to facilitate choices about which resources and partnerships to pursue in order to increase organizational capacity and effectiveness.” -Excerpt from this report

HEB is good to approach because 29 people shop there
ATT because 9 people get their service there
UFCU 8 people bank there
Blackerby 11 people shop there

Next steps for July and August:
Finish and send out appeal letter for next season
Apply for grants with no deadline
Would like to meet with website committee on ways to get more donations on the website. Would like to go speak at workplaces about ACO with 1-3 musicians to do a little concert. Would like to move mailing list over to Aweber and add names from June concert. Work together with PR/Business Manager to highlight our players in the newsletter

Workplace Giving/Possible sources of Board Members
Apple computers
The State capital
PPD, Inc.
Freescale Semiconductor
Dell Children’s Medical Center

What does your board report look like? Does it look like this? Are you required to give information? Or different information?

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