Advanced Fundraising: Your Career

Where do you want your fundraising career to go? Do you want to become a Development Manager? Development Director? Executive Director? Director of Annual Giving? Director of Major Gifts? Dean? Board chair? A Social Entrepreneur? A Founder of a Hybrid nonprofit? How do you get ahead in fundraising? Sign up for my newsletter, and get […]

Advanced Fundraising: Managing Others

Managing Others Development is a crucial department for any nonprofit organization. Not only are development staff tasked with getting all money for the organization, but they are also the brand evangelists for the organization. They raise you millions of dollars for a low end 5 figure salary. They MUST be excited about your cause. They […]

What Copenhagen can teach us about power

With the climate talks in Copenhagen happening this week, and the police brutality against the protesters, it leads me to think about conflict and getting through to people in power. Ever had a situation in your nonprofit workplace where it seemed like you couldn’t get through to someone in power? What did you do? What […]

5 Productivity Tips that will make you look like a fundraising rockstar

What can make you a more productive fundraising rockstar? 1. Start your day without email. Look at your to-do list for the day, and accomplish one thing on that list before checking email. This will start you on a roll, and you’ll feel productive for the rest of the day. 2.  Increase your bandwidth.  Can […]

What is Fundraising?

Fundraising is the act of building relationships to help the cause you care about. This can include writing letters and newsletters, throwing parties, visiting people, calling people, doing speaking engagements, and more! What is The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising? The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising is an engaging, fun, and woman-centered model of how […]