What is a hybrid nonprofit?
“Trust your dreams, find your power, build what you want to build in the world.”
“There is no static truth.” -Priya Haji
How can you help someone care about your cause?
How do you get an event sponsorship?
How To Get Sponsorship For Your Event
View more documents from Mazarine Treyz.
What's your Fundraising Personality?
What is your Fundraising Personality?
View more presentations from Mazarine Treyz.
Are you looking for a fundraising job?
Jumpstart Your Fundraising Jobsearch
View more presentations from Mazarine Treyz.
Who is in your ideal fundraising team?
Do you ever think, “I could do so much more if I only had one person dedicated to…”
Ask yourself these questions:
Where are you strong in your fundraising program, and where would you like to grow?