8 ways NOT to write a fundraising plan
Here’s how NOT to write a fundraising plan. 1. First, make sure you make it in total isolation. You don’t want any input from any other staff or board messing it up. 2. Make it focused solely around one or two income streams, like one big event and a government grant. Because what could go […]
Downturn FREAKOUT! What are your options?
What to do?
How can you be the best fundraiser in the world?
It’s impossible of course. You’ll never know if you are or not, or who is. You’ll never know how much someone else had help in getting that major gift, or running that big event, you’ll never know if that big gift they got was the result of a nod from a board member that had […]
Aw Girl, are you JADED?
Do you advocate for people to give to causes, but never give to causes yourself?
Why is that?