Your Overhead is In Your Head. All of the money is going to the cause.
So, you’re talking to a donor and the first thing they want to know is: How much of this donation goes to the cause?
This has become the only standard by which a nonprofit is judged deserving on funds. And this is truly sad.
"No life, no liberty, just the pursuit of wealthy donors"
Have you ever felt upset that you have to go to all of these charity events, all of these chamber of commerce meetings and corporate meetings where you are frayed at the cuffs and frazzled, and all around you, people are sleek and well dressed? Have people ever looked you up and down and you […]
Why your nonprofit is so damn reactionary
When you discourage long-term vision, you institutionalize suffering.
When funders and donors have a need for immediate gratification, your nonprofit always loses.
Advertising your nonprofit is not wasting money
Have people ever looked at you sideways because you wanted to advertise in 4 newspapers, on the buses, on a billboard, on the subway, in a street banner, and on the radio and tv too?
Why are nonprofits asked to fight with one hand tied behind their backs?
“Why do things seem to stay pretty much the same? Why have our Alzheimer’s charities not found a cure for Alzheimer’s? Why have our homeless shelters not solved the problem of homelessness? Why do children still go hungry on the streets of America? Why have the pictures of the starving children in Africa not changed […]
Are you attacked for your fashion? Gender bias at work
Fashion by Vivienne Westwood