Thank you for all of the joy
Wow. I’m so happy! This week RJ Leaman of the Wild Apricot Blog posted my presentation about rankism in the workplace. Last week iGrad posted my article on how to get a nonprofit job for new graduates. And I also guest posted about how to overcome workaholism over on the Fundraising Ideas blog! And I […]
A little grab-bag of free things for you
So FYI, if you haven’t given to our kickstarter project yet, here are 3 good reasons why.
1. You could help thousands, perhaps millions of people that you’ve never met!
2. Building the capacity of thousands of people to fundraise is not an opportunity that just comes along every day!
3. You can be the first in your city to have a game that teaches people in your organization how to fundraise. Imagine the edge you’ll have when all of your volunteers know how to research grants for you, do a mailing, or run an event!
Why does the hybrid nonprofit model work?
Do you want to help solve the problem of homelessness?
Do you want to help provide affordable housing?
Do you want to help people get jobs?
Are you thinking of starting a hybrid nonprofit?
The Zen of Fundraising-Hybrid Nonprofits
This tiny book was recommended to me by Clayton Gibson, publisher of “My Out Spirit” and it’s showing me a model of nonprofit success that I wanted to share with you. It’s called “Instructions to the Cook” by Bernard Glassman, abbot of the Zen center of Los Angeles and New York, and Rick Fields, author of “Chop Wood, Carry Water.”
Different reasons people give you donations: Radio Interview!
Last week I was interviewed by Megan Schiebe of Global Humanitarian Discussions Radio Show and Founder of Travel Volunteer Search. Here is the streaming interview after the jump.
Your Donors Trust You, But Do You Trust Your Donors?
So recently I was talking with a friend of mine about her new nonprofit job. “How’s it going?” I asked. “Oh I’m looking for new jobs every day!” she said. She’s never worked in nonprofits before. “What’s the deal?” I asked. “I went to sit with donors at this event, and my boss asked me […]