I’ve changed, and I thought, huh, I think I need to reintroduce myself! So, here goes!
First of all, I just love this community because it’s full of such thoughtful, intentional & connection-loving people. If you’re new here, welcome! 👋🏻 I’m Mazarine Treyz.
There are many identities I hold that you can read all about here but for the purposes of this email, let’s start with, I’m a multi-faceted artist, writer, dreamer & human design reader living in Oregon.
Who am I now?
If you’ve been here for ALL the different iterations of me you may remember a few of these…
Wild Woman Fundraising – I was a new entrepreneur and so excited to see clients and write hundreds of blog posts, and tons of high performing fundraising campaigns for folks, As well as write 3 books and 10 courses 15 years ago.
Fundraising Career Conference organizer – I was tired of seeing fundraisers and other nonprofit staff working so hard for so little pay, and so after writing my book, Get the Job, Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide in 2015, I created a multi-day, multi-year consciousness raising conference that had over 1200 people come through it, from 2015-2019, 10 yrs ago.
Nonprofit Leadership Summit director–After this I made a multi-day, multi-year conference from 2016-2018 to teach bosses how to treat us better, 9 years ago.
Fundraising Mastermind Elite Coach– Opened my very own fundraising coaching group 10 years ago, and people came through it to get better at fundraising, and they definitely did!
The Party at the End of the Patriarchy & other conferences – From 2020 to 2023 I’ve done online conferences with the hope of helping folks learn more about systemic analysis, sociology and feel supported in the rapidly shifting world we are in. In 2023 I did my last online conference and closed the door on that chapter of my life.
Asking for More Mastermind & Podcast – Started this coaching group at the beginning of the pandemic, with a group of fundraisers and women entrepreneurs who supported each other to ask for more. Then decided to drop this and move in a new direction when I realized that we need to understand systems of oppression.
Mazarine Treyz – Decided to stop my old business, and to just go into business under my name, and start talking about different systems of oppression & subverting them, historical analysis, government contracting, post-capitalist futures and resisting work 4 years ago. Now I do Facilitation, Coaching, Training for Government & Small Business & Speaking & Training for Community Based Organizations.
Human Design reader – I’ve been doing psychic exploration for much of my life, but decided to stop being so scared of what people thought and decided to be more open about doing human design and gene keys readings 2 years ago, and created HumanDesignReadings.net.
This is who I am right now. Hello!
Now that we’re acquainted (or reacquainted) I wanted to let you know what to expect if you sign up for my newsletter.
- Monthly Journal Prompt Emails: {creativity} 🖋️
In these emails you’ll see what I’m considering right now, followed by 3 journal prompts to help you go inward & reflect. Just by being part of our community, you’ll get these in your inbox. Plus jokes.
2. Curious musings: {consciousness raising} 🐉
I write the occasional blog post that I will share with you, sometimes I’ll add podcasts that I’ve been a guest on, and just kind of look at the psychology of why we do what we do, our values, and where we’re going next.
Ooh I love all of this, how can we work together?
Are you in need of some training for a government agency? I can hook you up.
You can work with me by getting a human design reading or gene keys reading or a reading series.
You can hire me to speak at your event.
Welcome to 2025. I’m excited to be here with you.