Recently, a reader wrote to me and asked if I could give her some tips about bullying, for a friend.

It took me awhile to find all of my articles about bullying but once I did, I decided to put them all in one place, here, for you, so that if you know anyone who is being bullied, who has a bad boss, or who just is in a weird situation and unsure about what to do about it, you can show them this.

My Most essential entries about bullying are below.

girl yelling
by Flickr photographer Cortnee B

Identifying the Kind of Bullying someone is trying to do to you:

Remember, when you name it, you can claim it. And then you can do something about it. Bullying is outlawed in much of Europe and Canada, but not in the US for some reason. This work draws on policies that they have put in place to protect their workers. What we want to work towards is getting enough attention around it to change policies and make sure bullies learn that they can’t continue their bad behavior.

What Rank Is Your Boss Playing? Identifying bullying
How do you respond when a manage yells at you?
How can you resist manipulation at work?
Are you attacked for your fashion at work? Here’s why this is wrong
No, you’re NOT crazy. Bullying bosses have caused employee suicide.
What you don’t know CAN hurt you. How can you can identify what is going on? Learn the vocabulary
18 ways to demand dignity at work

sleeping girl, relaxing girl, flickr kk+
From Flickr photographer KK+

Recovering from the bullying workplace:
Did you know that on average, it takes 22 months to recover from a bullying boss? If you’ve been fired or left, you need to take the time to recover. How can you recover? What are the steps you can take? What books should you read? These posts have answers.
How do you recover from a toxic workplace?
5 interview questions to find out if your potential boss will be a bully

Does your nonprofit/charity job create unrealistic expectations?
Are you set up to fail from the start? How can you combat this? How can you figure out what unrealistic expectations are? How can you manage expectations and set good boundaries?
Do you have a super job? What does that mean?
If you are attacked for your fashion, as a woman, not even college presidents are safe-how corporatism infects our society

grading your boss
Flickr image: Mujalifah

How to grade your boss:
You don’t have to just sit there and wait for a performance review, or annual review. You can make one for your boss as well!
Do you have a performance review coming up? Turn the tables! Here’s a checklist to help you grade your boss.
What are the 20 traits of a bad nonprofit leader?

When you’re job hunting, how do you figure out which jobs are going to be fun, and which ones are going to be a waste of your time? How can you write a fabulous cover letter that gets you the interview?
Are you looking at job posts and being completely underwhelmed? If you can take it or leave it, you should probably leave it.
Fantastic cover letter that has always worked for me, with nearly 5,000 reads on Scribd!

How to know when it’s time to leave a job
Is this just it? Should you leave your job now? You know usually fundraisers stay in their jobs 12-18 months, then leave or are fired. if you feel like you WANT to be fired, let’s talk about it.
Are you feeling stuck and bored? Why is that?
Aw girl, are you jaded?
Why do I hate my job?

How do you move up in your nonprofit career?
How do you get that Development Officer position? Or the development director job? Or the Chief Development Officer job at the plummy university? Or how do you get to be the Executive Director? What have some other people done?
Moving on up in your nonprofit career, how does it work? Here are what some people have done.
What is your ROOT? What makes you want to get up in the morning?
Are you a wage slave at your nonprofit? Take this quiz and find out!
Fire the Assholes, and the company culture will change, courtesy of Pam Slim

sad angry face
By Flickr Photographer Grumpy Puddin

Why Fundraising as a career can lead to abuse of Fundraising professionals
We are encouraged to be bubbly, cheerful, to say yes and generally be friendly to everyone as part of our jobs. We have to fake being outgoing even if we don’t feel like it, sometimes. We are encouraged to take everything on. But what is the dark side of this? What happens with a board member who takes friendliness too far? Or a donor? What happens when your boss is sleeping with your volunteer coordinator?
Your donors trust you, but do you trust your donors? Are they worthy of your trust?
Bait and Switch
No life, no liberty, just the pursuit of wealthy donors, courtesy dan pallotta

Managing Up when your boss doesn’t get it
How do you manage up? How can you manage expectations? How can you show your boss or bosses what is and isn’t reasonable to demand of you?
Managing up 101
Change your language and change your life!
What’s your ice cream flavor of nonprofit governance? Is it kimchi rat surprise?
Managing up when your boss is not a fundraiser and has NO IDEA how hard your job is

I actually just made the full version of the Stop Workplace Bullying Android App Free, so if you want to pick it up it’s here.

There’s also a lot more detail on bullying and what to do about it in my book.

If you’d like to get my book, go here:

If you’d like to get just my cover letter for a new fundraising job, it’s available on Scribd.

How do you get a fundraising job? Use this Sample Cover Letter! From The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising

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