Recently I was asking around to other Wild Women Fundraisers, and asking them, “What do you want to learn about, NOW?” And one person responded,

why members don't renew
Why members don’t renew from Socious research

“I would like to learn more about evaluating ROI for our association members. Retention is what I am focused on now.  Here’s what we do:

Our Membership includes:

We do bi-annual email blasts targeted at membership benefits.  We have full color postcards we use for marketing at an annual convention. And I am working on a new brochure. I also do followup calls with different membership groups every week.”

So what will convince people that it’s a good idea to belong to your association?


Here’s my answer:

It’s hard to pay attention to all of your members. And it’s hard to figure out what they want.

Have you tried asking everyone what they want? You could ask via

What questions should you ask your members?

This will help you speak to exactly what your membership cares about most, and keep your members engaged by working with them to solve their particular problems.

In terms of helping people justify the cost of membership, you already offer some of these, but have you tried some of these others?:



If members need to renew and lapse, have you tried:

  1. Mailing then calling
  2. Emailing
  3. Calling again?
  4. Dropping by, if possible?

And if they still don’t want to keep being a member, can you do an exit survey, via phone, or email?

Ask questions like:

I guess what I want to ask is, do you really think that what you’re missing is a brochure? Or, maybe, is it a consistent weekly or bi-weekly communication strategy that makes your members the heroes of your communications?

For more resources on member retention strategies, check out:

Do you have any more ideas for what this reader could do to retain more members at her association?

Please leave a comment below.

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