Have you ever tried to write your appeal letter by committee?

Did you ever regret that you let other people have input into your writing?

Here’s what happens.

You study your grand controls. You make sure that you take an appeal letter webinar, you interview that international and famous copywriter, you read books on how to write more persuasively. You even go so far as to download new fonts to make sure your letter is more trusted because of these fonts. You search for hours in hopes of getting just the right picture and headline for the top. Then, you proudly send it to your board and say, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

And they respond, and say, no, no, wrong voice, too long, we threw out your whole letter, here’s another one we wrote last night!

And you look at it,

And it’s in ARIAL, 9 point font (not 12 point) so nobody is going to read it.

There’s no headline. It’s 1 page long. There’s NO PICTURE. It is all about THEM and not about the donor. It’s not urgent. It reads like a press release. AKA BORING.

Do you scream and yell? Do you tear your hair out?

Yeah, at first.

Then, you call and apologize.

Why do you apologize to them? They just spit on your hard work and decided that they knew better.

I’ll tell you why.

Because you didn’t teach them well enough to know any better.

You need to teach them better. Starting now. This is a teachable moment, even if it is the last possible minute before the appeal letter can go out.

So you say, “Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t teach you what will make people actually give to you, in an appeal letter. So here you go. Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to teach you right now.

I’ve looked at the grand controls of some of the biggest and most successful nonprofits in the country. I’ve looked at the Nature conservancy’s grand control. I’ve looked at the Humane Society’s grand control. They make over $500 million every year in appeal letters. Their grand controls are letters they send out 3 years in a row, the same letter, because it works really well each time. It brings them in a lot of money.

What really works? We know what really works.

Do you understand?” and they’ll say, “Thank you for teaching me.”

You don’t have to shake them like a rag doll. You can politely show them how things are done. Not “how things are done here” because that hasn’t worked as well as they’d like it to so far, has it? They don’t have the millions that the Humane Society does, or the Nature Conservancy. So Why would they want to keep doing what they’re doing? It doesn’t make sense.

So now you have them. They can either keep trudging along, not willing to learn anything new, OR they can actually learn from this moment, and take a risk, try a new voice in their appeal letters, try something new. The worst that can happen is that no one gives. But you know it’s not going to happen. The best that can happen is that even more people give.

Have you ever had this situation?

How did you deal with it, if so?

If you’d like to learn more about how to make your appeal letter better, and get TONS of money in the mail, I have a webinar coming up on how to write a stunning appeal letter. Check it out at https://wildwomanfundraising.com/upcoming.


0 Responses

  1. Nothing is as convincing as success. If the list is big enough, maybe time for a test … your version against theirs. That’s how all those controls you mentioned came about.

    It would be great if copywriters never had to engage in this battle. But we do need to know if we got the facts right. Or who we’ve offended we didn’t need to.

  2. Creating a letter by committee doesn’t work for the reasons you described. Too many people think they know how to put a good letter together, but they really don’t. Great idea to use it as a teachable moment!

    Sandy Rees

  3. Wow Thank you So much for all of the comments! 🙂

    Gayle, you’re absolutely right. Doing a split test is the way to go, to see which letters work better. Definitely don’t want to offend people. And that is a concern, when people think their writing has not been respected. The truth is that our writing is not us. It’s merely a thing that we’ve done and we don’t have to have personal attachment to it. And the nice thing is that once you’ve been proven right, with your copy, they’ll be much more likely to listen to you again.

    Hi Kristen! Thanks, I’m sure you’ve talked with nonprofits too and felt, like, well, okay, if you don’t know what you’re doing, then why are you arguing with me when i’ve done this more than you have?

    Hi Sandy! Thanks for responding!

    Hi Sherry, hahaah A camel is a horse designed by committee! I’d never heard that one!



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