The Wild Woman's Guide to Fundraising by Mazarine Treyz
I just got back from the printers! So Happy!

I am so excited and proud to announce to you that my book, The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising, is now available as a physical book!

Click on this button to buy it now!

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If you have any questions or problems, you can also order by emailing me at, or by calling 512-763-5161.

This book represents 3 years of writing, editing, listening, and learning, using seven years of fundraising experience, jobs, training, reading, conversations, workshops, conferences, mentoring, everything.

I am so happy to be able to share it with you.

Inside, you’ll get:

In short, you get the goods.

If you want to look inside the book before you buy, click here.

You can also order the ebook here:


What people are saying:

“Hi Mazarine,

My wife doesn’t usually do the mailing for her non-profit but when she does, the guy who usually handles them forgets to tell her a few important steps. This frustrates her because she gets yelled at by postal employees and has to fix the mailing in the post office (without help). She was venting about this last night – this time the problem was cardboard sleeves.

The funny part is that only seconds earlier, I had read a sentence about cardboard sleeves in your book (p.45). With the page still open in my hands and without missing a beat, I just read that sentence back to her… which you can imagine resulted in a moment of bafflement.

So, now she’ll know how to do these mailings and not have to rely on misinformation from her co-worker.

I just finished the chapter on events and I’m really enjoying your book so far. It’s really engaging and a great resource/reference. Kudos to you!” –Jacob Feinberg

I just wanted to write to you to let you know how much I love your book. I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but it has still been hugely helpful.

Two examples: I customized your corporate sponsorship ask letter to put together a package for an event we have coming up, and I’ve already gotten two sponsorships.

Also, something you said about using volunteers really touched a nerve. We have a ton here at The Telling Room, but they are only utilized for providing direct service to kids or at events. Your book made me realize I should make more of an effort to get volunteers in the Development office to increase my capacity to do this work, especially since I’m a one woman shop. I talked to our volunteer coordinator about it, wrote up a job description for volunteers that is now handed out at our monthly orientations, and I now have people coming in regularly to help me! It’s been amazing. Thanks again!!
-Heather Davis, The Telling Room

Thank you for reading, and thank you for taking the step right now, making the investment in your future to get the knowledge you need for the success you deserve!


0 Responses

  1. I am the development committee chairman for a brand new non-profit: the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. I look forward to seeing your recommendations in your new book to pass along to an organization just getting off the ground.

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