Have you ever heard the song Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill?
It goes like this:
Rebel Girl! Rebel Girl!
Rebel Girl you are the queen of my world!
I wanna take you home I wanna try on your clothes
When she talks I hear the revolution
When she walks the revolution’s coming!
That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood! I’ve got news for you! She is!
-Bikini Kill
So are you the Queen of your Neighborhood? Do you hold your head up high? Do you have a funky wardrobe? When you walk, is the revolution coming?
How do you get to be queen of your particular field? Start today. (This can also work if you want to be the King, or the Sovereign, ungendered.)
A. Get your online presence to be 100% powerful. This means
1. Control the first 3 pages of results about you on Google.
2. Get a portfolio site going of all your best ideas and projects
3. Interact with people and build your community on Twitter, Linkedin, and other social networks.
How EXACTLY do you do this though? Read my crazy free 17 page e-book. It takes you step by step on how to build your queendom of your particular neighborhood.
B. How do you broadcast your regal self out into the world?
1. You don’t have to wear a crown. Make sure your voice and your gestures are appropriate for a leader. Think old-time movie actresses and divas like Grace Jones, Diana Ross, and Bette Davis.
2. Go watch some drag shows! Those ladies have it down. How do they move their heads? How do they use their eyes? How do they walk? How do they talk? They perform power well.
3. Clothe yourself well. This means how would you dress if you had $1 Million dollars? Sure, you might have some favorite expensive brands you can’t afford right now, but can you find approximations of those clothes at cheap second hand shops, Goodwill, TJ Maxx or Kohl’s? Chances are, you can find something similar.
4. Go get yo hair did. Even if it’s just a trim. Whether you’re Queen, King, or Sovereign of your neighborhood, it’s going to make you feel fresher, more ready to take on the world.
C. Revolution!
1. So this means educate yourself on how to build a movement. Start with Kim Klein’s Tools for Radical Democracy.
2. Go to your local Slow Food, Slow Money, Farmer’s Market, Anarchist Collective, Labor Union, Bike Alliance, City Repair Project, Tool Library etc. and start to make connections. Find people and organizations to collaborate with.
3. Read the news, get involved in making small changes in your neighborhood. What can you start to change right now? What nonprofit is working towards some issue you want to have an impact on?
4. Write about your journey, encourage others to come on it with you. Get WILD!
5. Mentor a girl and help her be a queen of the neighborhood too.
Go nuts, seriously. This summer, it’s your time. Let it hang out. Let it all hang out.
Follow Wild Woman Fundraising on Twitter because you want more sassy tips!