Dear Nonprofit Girlfriend, 

We need help. 

All you have to do is turn on the news to see this. 

NO ONE could argue that our leadership needs help. Some might even say, “What leadership? I see no leadership.” We are moving backwards in so many areas. 

But when I look at the news these days, what I see is it’s our time to rise.

I see the #MeToo movement leading to real consequences for the perpetrators.

I see a groundswell of civic engagement that is bigger than anything that came before.  

I see 16,000 progressive women running for office and WINNING and we are not nearly done yet.

This leads me to ask, in this time of turmoil, 

How Can YOU Rise? 

What does becoming a better leader look like for you?

This April 2nd, 4th and 6th at the online Fundraising Career Conference, we are going to address that question.

How? All new sessions tailored for you on:


We’ll have your back as you bravely step out into leadership.  

We’re going to have 10+ sessions over a whole week to help you take action. We’re working on CFRE credits for this as well. For a 3 day conference, you might expect to pay hundreds of dollars.

But in January, we’re charging only $18 for this entire online conference, with all new sessions relevant to your nonprofit leadership RIGHT NOW.

Why? Because we want as many people as possible to rise in leadership this year.
Now is YOUR time to rise.

So for this month, it’s just $18 to join us, and get the recordings to watch at your convenience. In February the price will go to $36. And in March it will rise again to $67. Then at the end of March it will rise  to $97. This is the best possible time for you to buy. 


We’ve had over 1,000 people sign up for this conference, and they have gotten real results. Over the last 3 years, we’ve had so many success stories. See attendee’s stories here.


It’s incredible what people have been able to achieve, everything from getting a new job to getting a higher salary, to getting a better benefits package and figuring out what to charge as a nonprofit consultant.


What I didn’t realize is that over the last 3 years of the online Fundraising Career Conference we have been BUILDING towards this moment.

>> The first year, in 2015, we got the mechanics covered. We talked about resumes, cover letters, and interview skills. This was good, and we learned a lot that year. 


>>The second year, in 2016, we covered beyond the basics. We showed how to get a university fundraising job and how to get more done in your fundraising office. We talked about boundaries. We talked about self care. We talked about how to start your consulting business.


>> Then in our third year, in 2017, we went deeper, and started to talk about building trust, deliberately. We talked about how to use your strengths at work. We talked about moving towards satisfaction in work, and what that feels like. 

>>  But now it’s 2018 and we are in serious trouble. We can’t hesitate to press forward for leadership any longer. We MUST act. 

Because we’ve been building this foundation, this year, we’re ready to start looking at self-empowerment at work.

What does rising in your career mean for you, personally? At the Fundraising Career Conference, we’ll address this. Maybe you’re mid-level and you want that executive director title or development director title. Maybe you simply get to do the work you love more often. Or get the salary to help you get the stability you need. 


This year we will look at how you can gain the skills to rise. We have been BUILDING a foundation and now it’s time to raise the roof! 


Now that we’re in our fourth year, we’re going to go even HIGHER with you, to help you rise and succeed in your leadership position.

I hope you will join us. It’s gonna be the best year yet!






P.S. We have just 294 seats left at this conference, and at this January early bird $18 price, it’s going to sell out fast. This is our year to rise. Let’s work together on your career and see how high you can go! Register here.

Register for the Fundraising Career Conference

P.P.S. We thank our sponsors for helping us put on this event!

Bloomerang, TopNonprofits and CharityVillage are our sponsors for the 2018 Fundraising Career Conference. 


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