Looking for reasons why companies should sponsor you?

This slideshow can help you justify your existence, and why corporations should partner with you over the long haul, in multi-dimensional marketing campaigns, and multi-platform branding.

This slideshow by Edelman gives LOTS of reasons why companies should partner with you. Why not make your proposal graphic? Show them rather than tell them why they should support you? Lots of charts for you to cite in this slideshow!Bottom line? People are willing to pay a premium for a purpose.Global Deck: 2012 Edelman goodpurpose Studyhttp://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/12623332?rel=0

Want to learn more about how to get sponsorship?

I have just the thing. August 9th at 3pm EDT I’m offering a brand-new webinar called “What Your Sponsors REALLY Want.” Click here to learn more. This webinar will be tailored to attendee nonprofits, with a chance to ask questions before, during, and after the webinar, as well as tons of bonus materials to help you apply what you learn instantly to your nonprofit event.

Won’t you join us?

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