This little fact is going to help you fundraise better. Let me get straight to the point. White folks are the minority in the world. And quickly becoming the minority in the US and Canada.

   That means if you want to continue your good work, it’s important to look at how to get new donors from different communities. ImagineCanada and partners asked groups of newcomers and second-generation immigrants what would make them want to give to nonprofits.

   Now you can ask them about their research at The Party at the End of the Patriarchy conference! I’m so happy to say Bruce MacDonald, CEO of Imagine Canada, and Bobby Sahni, Partner & Co-founder of Ethnicity Matters are going to share their findings and help you stay relevant in a changing world. 

This eye-opening research can fuel your own work to make your nonprofit more inclusive- and help make our sector better too.

Are you coming?

 It took me long enough just to rap on this hard enough! (thanks Kanye!) Ok 9 days left before we start the Party at the End of the Patriarchy

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