Over the last five years, I’ve written a lot about how to get a good fundraising job, and how to keep from making the mistakes that I made.
I got so psyched about fundraising careers that I wrote a book about it, called Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide. This book was rated 5 stars by Nonprofit.About.com.
NOW we run an online Fundraising Career Conference every year! For the last 2 years we’ve had over 900 people participate! Join us at the 3rd annual online conference in April, 17 19 and 21 in 2017- we’ll record every session for you if you can’t make every one. And these will be available for you for 12 months! Learn more here.
In these next few days I’d like to take you on a journey- to getting the career of your dreams in fundraising.
First, where do you want to go? You need a roadmap for your career path!
[EBOOK] Free Ebook on Fundraising Career Pathing (PDF)
This ebook is going to be invaluable to you as you start to consider how you want to grow in fundraising. It goes over different fundraising job titles, how to figure out what skills you need to get from here to get where you want to go, it goes over different fundraising networking techniques, and more!
Let’s dive deeper into how to get a nonprofit fundraising job, now.
Getting the fundraising job
5 common fundraising resume mistakes
How to make your fundraising resume more compelling
Here are a few tips that i’ve picked up over the last several years of helping people with getting fundraising jobs- Tips that help people look their best to a potential hiring manager in fundraising. It’s not just about keywords-and it’s not just about getting the dollars raised in there either. You’ll dig these two articles-and they can help you stand head and shoulders above the competition for this job.
12 MORE interview questions for your next fundraising job interview
10 questions to prepare for your fundraising job interview
Be Sherlock Holmes and ask these 5 questions in your next nonprofit job interview
These are some of my most popular posts, ever! Why? Well, probably because these interview questions come up again and again in fundraising, and you can easily prepare for them by knowing them in advance and deciding what you’re going to say. But don’t forget, this is a two way interview! You need to ask them questions as well. And we’ve got JUST the questions that will help you uncover if this place will be a good place for you to work or not. You definitely want to check out these questions-they could make or break your next job.
How to rock your next fundraising job interview
Secrets for acing the interview (and followup) with Claire Axelrad
Claire Axelrad has taught how to ace your fundraising interview for the last 2 years at the Fundraising Career Conference, and she’s doing it again this year. You do NOT want to miss out on your chance to learn from her, and ask her your burning questions about how to make the interviewer remember you and want to see you again.
What the 10 most in demand skills can tell you about what you’ll need to learn in fundraising
What a recruiter really wants-Interview with Fundraising Recruiter Phil Gerard
When I was working full time in fundraising, I always wondered why recruiters wouldn’t give me the time of day. I thought maybe I wasn’t senior enough. And I made some crucial mistakes. Phil Gerard is going to break down exactly what recruiters want to see in the Fundraising Career Conference, and he reveals some secrets in this interview.
How to get along with your boss in fundraising
Plan to get a major gifts role– how to get it-with Phil Gerard
You know that perfect major gifts role is not going to fall into your lap. So how do you get some of the highest paid jobs in fundraising? Phil Gerard recruits for major gifts roles all of the time and he will share with you exactly what he looks for.
4 jobs for introverted fundraisers
Not all fundraisers are extroverts! In fact many of us would rather be home than networking or pressing the flesh at a donor cultivation event. I am sure you can think of more, but here are 4 jobs for introverts off the top of my head.
Join us on Friday for our next post, all about how to rise in your fundraising career!