What were my most popular posts in 2019?
This year I got my act together and actually made cornerstone content, which, in case you don’t know, is where I have all of my resources about a subject listed in ONE PLACE!
I have a page just on 44+ appeal letter resources.
This one is SUPER POPULAR! You should definitely go there if you’ve ever had to come up with stories for your nonprofit appeal letter. Or if you want strategies to write a better one! I’ve got you covered!
A page with 100+ nonprofit leadership and management resources.
A page with 66+ resources to rise in your fundraising career.
Those pages are very popular.
But! So are these blog posts!
Top 9 posts of 2019!
How to break into the fundraising field
5 open ended questions to get you closer to a gift
Why women have a harder time getting nonprofit leadership roles
Our undiscovered self cripples us
7 ways to create a culture of belonging
Why asking for a degree in fundraising is a bad idea
No Millennials aren’t entitled. And they don’t want a participation trophy.
Based on these most popular posts, it looks like what people want- IS! More cage rattling posts, ones that question the status quo in nonprofits!
Sure, I can keep giving you career posts, and I’m happy to do so. But seems like people want to see what lies beneath our sector a bit more! And how to make it better!
This year I started to be more deliberate and intentional with my youtube strategy. So, what about
My top 3 videos on Youtube this year?
How to Ace Your Fundraising Job Interview
How to Prepare for a Fundraising Job Interview
How to make your fundraising resume with no experience
Looks like lots of people at the beginning of their fundraising career are finding me on Youtube! FASCINATING!
What about you? What would YOU like to learn more about? What do you feel is missing in your life right now?
Leave a comment and let me know!