This week you might be looking forward to trick-or-treaters. Maybe you’re even going to get dressed up and go out to a party yourself. I love Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday. But on a serious note, I also want to warn you about an epidemic I see in the devoted, hardworking fundraising professionals that I know.

Does this happen to you?

Do you get stressed out and just stay that way for months?

Do you stay at work late?

Do you go above and beyond for that fundraising event?

Do you work extra hard on that grant research?

Do you rewrite that appeal letter five times?

Do you get home and feel dragging and exhausted?

Do you eat lunch at your desk?

Do you have trouble asking for help?

I am here to tell you, don’t make this mistake.


Here’s what is really scary.

Adrenal Fatigue.

adrenal-fatigue-book-front-coverWhat is adrenal fatigue?

It’s when your body becomes so used to stress that it just starts breaking down.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:

If you’d like to take a quiz and read the full list of potential adrenal fatigue symptoms, check out: Dr Wilson’s website.

Now that you know what happens when people crash and burn with adrenal fatigue, what can we do to help solve this problem?

  1. Start going to bed at 9:30pm.
  2. Drink salted water.
  3. Take vitamin c and calcium magnesium every day at 2pm.
  4. Work up a sweat at least 3 times a week.
  5. 1 hour before bed, take some time to rest, laugh, and read. Maybe even meditate.
  6. Try not to get up before 9am. Drink salted water on waking.
  7. Eat a big meal full of protein in the morning.
  8. Do not eat fruit or things with a high glycemic index in the morning. (Waffles, I’m looking at you!)
  9. Eat a lunch full of protein as well.
  10. Rest while you eat. Don’t eat lunch at your desk.
  11. Rest after you eat. Try to lie down if you can.

If you think you might have adrenal fatigue, I highly encourage you to check out this book by Dr. James Wilson.

Recently I noticed some of the symptoms mentioned above. I talked with my mom and she said, “You seem to have aged prematurely! You look so tired!” I talked with my friend E and they said, “You know, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you did have adrenal fatigue. You work harder than anyone I know.” So I decided to do some research.

I read this book, and realized that I had Adrenal Fatigue. I had been pushing myself too hard with my business. I had been trying to do too much. Now I have gotten help with my business. I have gotten various people to do things for me that were too much for me to do on my own.  It is SUCH a good feeling to be able to back away, to get help, and to say, “No, this is enough, I’m done for the day!”

So I encourage you to take care of yourself. Remember this quote,


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