If you’ve ever wondered what the most popular posts are in this fundraising blog- which is increasingly becoming a career blog, and a leadership blog, well, wonder no longer!

I give you: The 10 most popular articles of 2018 plus ONE MORE

These posts are the ones people responded to really strongly-and shared widely.

If you like rabble rousing writing– you are gonna love this one! An unexpectedly wildly popular article on another blog – 6 Reasons Why Your Donor Stewardship Problem is a Culture Problem

In it, I talk about the 3 pillars of white supremacy, how to ACTUALLY calculate your donor retention rate in 30 seconds, AND give some ideas for what to do about decolonizing our nonprofits. It’s kind of a big deal! People have called it magnificent, marvelous, and even “the best fundraising blog post I have ever read.” Wow, right? Go read it! Then come back and read some more!

Kristen C Kennedy

Interview: With Kristen Kennedy: I used to hate calling major donors-but now

People like this article because it’s a video, and a transcript, about how to get more major donors on the phone, and how to get them to say yes. These are skills that Kristen Kennedy practices every day. Suffice to say, she’s an expert in how to get your calls done! Listen and LEARN!

Ellen Bristol
Ellen Bristol


5 steps to get you closer to that major gift, grant or sponsorship

This interview with Ellen Bristol of the Bristol Strategy Group simply goes to the heart of how you can track your progress effectively with major gifts, grants and sponsorships. You can listen to it while you work, AND you can hear the 5 REAL steps in major gift asks- instead of that nebulous moves management that you are sort of using. She is the author of The Leaky Bucket and Fundraising the SMART Way, and she even has a quiz you can take, to see how well you are tracking your donors and stewarding them towards larger gifts-on her website, http://bristolstrategygroup.com.

9 mistakes to avoid in your appeal letter this fall

You know you love a good listicle post! Why was this post so popular? Because I tore apart an appeal letter pretty viciously. I also have LOTS of experience building up and editing and making appeal letters better. And getting incredible results! Just look at the recent results that a charter school got– $100K with their first monthly giving appeal! Over goal!

Adaptive leadership


5 unexpected books to have your best year ever

People loved this post- because there were books on there that you’d never expect! Books such as the Practice of Adaptive Leadership. A reverse psychology book- My Voice Will Go With You. And more! If you have ever wondered how to be a better leader, how to work better with women in your office, or even how to sneakily get people to do what you want them to do-this post will intrigue you!

Clyde Jones

How to deal with a rapidly changing world

Wise words from Clyde Jones, VP of Development at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City! He talks about the 4 pieces you need to get right in your fundraising during times of great change. Since we are about to go into a downturn, this is a VITAL post for you to read. Donors who have investments, who own property, are going to see investment income go down, and property values go down. This will affect their giving to your cause. And at the same time, the need for services will increase as the downturn causes layoffs, and the social service net is strained even further.


Fundraising Career Conference

Last chance to join us for the Fundraising Career Conference

This post got so many reads! We had such a good time at the Fundraising Career Conference this year. If you want the recordings, just go here.

fundraising job interview

Interview Tips for your big day

The average millennial will have 20 different careers over their lifetime. Not just jobs. Careers. So chances are, you are going to be interviewing for a new job in the next 5 years. Why not get prepared with this quick blog post? These questions are useful if you’re interviewing to be a fundraiser, but also if you’re interviewing at a nonprofit job in general.

Image by melodramababs on Flickr

The problem you can’t talk about

5 ways our nonprofit culture is failing us – up to and including our workaholic culture!  Here are some phrases you should know. Hero child. Fundraising Treadmill. And more! The Workaholic culture? Excuse me? You have this idea that ONLY YOU can save the world or the cause, That it will all fall apart without you? Guess what.

This is not just a nonprofit worker thing. This is a nonprofit female leader thing. Want to learn more? Read on!

10 more songs that are on every fundraiser’s playlist

This was a really fun list to make. I put on some Ozuna and Cardi B-check out that sweet rainbow image there! Yo quiero! I put on Mahala’s Sober. Got some fun tunes by Lizzo! And gorgeous tunes by Jhene Aiko! And more! Get down to these tunes and rock out as the end of the year is here!


Fundraising Career

Fundraising Career PathingTake the Right Job for you

I offer career pathing for people who want to learn how to frame their current experience and make the jump into a more lucrative job or sector. I recently did this for a person with 10 years of volunteer management experience. She now works in government, and she’s looking to become a deputy director of a department. We successfully did a career path for her, reframed how her work was really measured, and applied for that job, all in the same session. It was a long session, but so worth it! If you’re not sure where to go next, I have a centering session that might help you (shown above). I also offer resume, cover letter and interview skills sessions. Learn more here or email me at info@wildwomanfundraising.com and let’s talk!

Would you like to see the post popular posts of the previous year?

Go right ahead! Here’s the 2017 most popular posts!


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