Your Ultimate Guide to A Bigger Sponsorship E-course

Your Ultimate Guide to A Bigger Sponsorship E-course



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Wondering how to get a bigger sponsorship?

Are you working on a fundraising event for next year?

Are you worried about how many sponsorships you’ll be able to get?

Do you want to start getting exponentially MORE sponsorships, TODAY?

According to, the 4th quarter is when most sponsors start allocating their budgets for next year. The 4th quarter is when 43% of sponsors make decisions. But you can plan to ask just about anytime!


If you want to get a bigger sponsorship NOW, then take my e-course, Your Ultimate Guide to a Bigger Sponsorship.

In this e-course, you’ll learn how to get sponsorship, from BOTH sides of the table, both from the sponsor’s perspective, and from the nonprofit’s perspective. Aside from raising over $400,000 in sponsorships for small to mid-size nonprofits, I’ve been teaching nonprofits how to get sponsorships since 2011, and with each new class, webinar, and workshop, we go deeper into how to get sponsorship. With these online classes, you also get worksheets, checklists and step-by-step instructions to help you succeed with your sponsorship quest!

What are people saying about How to Get A Bigger Sponsorship?

“Excellent presentation on sponsorships, helpful, informative, and motivating!” -John Panarese, Executive Director, Animal Rescue League of Fall River, MA

In this 6 week e-course, you’ll learn:

Module 1: Who is a good sponsor?

  1. What is sponsorship?
  2. How do you identify which corporations will sponsor you?
  3. What are categories and how can you find your best categories?
  4. How to research sponsors
  5. Real-life examples of good sponsor fit/bad fit

Module 2: How to get your foot in the door?

  1. Learn
  2. How do you identify which corporations will sponsor you?
  3. What are categories and how can you find your best categories?
  4. How to research sponsors
  5. Real-life examples of good sponsor fit/bad fit

Module 3: Your best sponsor meeting

  1. What your sponsors are really hungry for
  2. Phrases Your Sponsors LOVE to hear
  3. How to counter if they try to lowball you
  4. Making a win-win situation for a sponsor
  5. How do you influence corporate decision-makers to sponsor your event?
  6. What to Bring To Your Sponsorship Meeting

Module 4: Outstanding Sponsorship Proposals

  1. How to research what sponsors want
  2. Ideas to make the sponsorship even more valuable for your sponsor
  3. 7 key elements of a good sponsorship proposal
  4. Coming back with a customized proposal
  5. How much should your sponsorship levels be? What makes sense?
  6. How do you add value to justify different levels of sponsorship?

Module 5: Making Your Sponsors Happy

  1. What type of marketing exposure corporations expect
  2. Adding value to your sponsorship without spending more
  3. How to find and show your demographics
  4. How to help sponsors measure the impact of sponsorship
  5. Creating memorable experiences at your event tied to your sponsor

Module 6: Getting your sponsors to come back

  1. Best practices for your sponsorship report
  2. Documenting the sponsorship package and what sponsors get
  3. Lots of real world examples of sponsorship reports from the best
  4. New ideas for how to renew sponsors
  5. Getting testimonials from previous sponsors
  6. Evaluating your sponsorship offerings over time

This e-course (and the accompanying webinar recordings) has helped hundreds of people over the last three years.

The following bonus materials are included with the Ultimate Guide to A Bigger Sponsorship eCourse:

  1. Sample Sponsorship Letter for you to review
  2. Sample Sponsorship Contract for you to review
  3. Sample Sponsorship Report for You to View
  4. Inkind checklist of things to get donated for your event
  5. Sample Sponsorship Letter for you to review
  6. TWO Recorded Webinars
  7. AND another secret bonus!

With just one sponsorship, you will make back the price of this course many times over!


4 reviews for Your Ultimate Guide to A Bigger Sponsorship E-course

This course blew my mind! Greatest course of all time.


“We are a grassroots organization doing our fifth fundraising event next
year. Mazarine’s Sponsorship Webinar helped us brainstorm who to
approach and lots of ways to convince them to sponsor us! Tremendous
value. If you’re looking for sponsors, take this course! ” -Denise
Hawkinson, Ph.D., Board member, Post-Partum Health Alliance Denise Hawkinson

Do you know that just getting the feedback on the sponsorship packet was
well worth the cost of the e-course? Thanks and i am looking forward to
the rest of the program.. -Gaynelle Adams Jackson, President, Alabama
MicroEnterprise Network (AMEN) Gaynelle Adams Jackson

Hey, guess what Mazarine?

I finished going through all six sessions of your course. Took about three hours but it was worth it. You really have a lot of good information in the course. And you lived and breathed what you write about. Not everyone can say that.

I really like the consultative sales approach to the process and will use it with my top level sponsors right away as we roll out our 2016 package, and then sort of at the same time with new prospects. In 2013 we had $18,000 in sponsorships. I came on board in 2014 and raised it to $32,000 and in 2015 we had $44,000. Looking to do better in 2016.

Your lists, letter examples and sample documents are super tools.

Thanks again for revving me up for the new year.

Mike Miller, Development Officer, CFRE, Delaware, OH


What is an E-course? Expand

An e-course is written material, sent to you every week, in a printable format. When you buy this product, you will be placed on an email list that will email you the product, one week at a time. You will not be placed on any other list, and once the course is over you will get no further emails from us.

It will also include three recorded webinars. We created this format so that you can go at your own pace, and fit the e-course into your busy schedule. Here’s a sample of the e-course. 

Is it live? Expand

One person asked, is it a live webinar that I’ll need to login to attend? It is not a live webinar. Because of everyone’s busy schedules, we are making this e-course of written material, plus three recorded webinars, so that you can learn this information exactly when it is convenient for you.

How long will the course take me to complete? Expand

The course will take roughly 2 hours a week. There’s also a recorded webinar that may take a little more time.

Will there be printable materials? Are the materials friendly for the visually impaired? Expand

Yes! Every week you will get an email with an attached pdf that you can print and put into a binder. The pdfs have been tested and found compatible with software for the visually impaired.

Will there be any opportunities to ask questions? Expand

Absolutely! You can email me unlimited emails for the duration of the course.

Will there be practice exercises to complete? Expand

Yes, there will be practice exercises to complete. I include worksheets and templates in all of my webinars and e-courses. I believe that if you apply your learning instantly, then it sticks!

Is there a money-back guarantee? Expand

YES! If you are not satisfied for any reason, I offer a 30 day money-back guarantee.


Need just one more reason to sign up?

This course could help you make literally tens of thousands of dollars for your nonprofit, like the story below.

“Within four hours of soaking in all of your wonderful lessons and advice, I was able to empower someone to bring in a hefty item for one of the Silent Auctions, and secure a major score of my own.

Better yet, using what I had learned within the prior twelve hours, I was able to put together a variety of sponsorship packages for a recently-revealed connection in an industry you mentioned AND

“Wow!”, I not only secured a $1,500 sponsorship for a specific need, but just found out that we received a $15,000 sponsorship, as well. I’d say that’s a darned good return on one webinar! Thanks a million!” -Judi DeSouter, Director of Advancement at Catholic Elementary Development Partners, New York, NY

So what are you waiting for?

About the trainer:

Mazarine Treyz, BA, (Bard College), has personally raised over $400,000 in sponsorships for small nonprofits. She is the author of the popular book, The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising. Her blog of the same name has over 50,000 monthly readers.

In 2003 Ms. Treyz wrote her first grants for Indonesian nonprofit Yayasan Emmanuel. In 2005 she co-founded a nonprofit called “The Moon Balloon Project” on the south shore of Boston, MA. Since that time she has raised over $1M for various small, national, and international nonprofits with appeals, emails, grants, sponsorships, and more.

Partnerships include:

Ms. Treyz has taught thousands of national and international nonprofits how to fundraise since 2009. In 2012 she published The Wild Woman’s Guide to Social Media, which got a 5 star rating from in 2013. In 2013 she published Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide, which also got a 5 star rating from

me before the pandemic
Me before the pandemic
Your Ultimate Guide to A Bigger Sponsorship E-course ADD TO CART FOR ONLY $497.00