Your Ultimate Guide to Fundraising with Volunteers E-course


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fundraising volunteersYou know and I know that there’s no budget to hire more people to help you out.

You and I know that you’ve needed more help for a long time.

Someone to come and help you design that brochure. Or someone to stuff envelopes.

Someone to go get those auction items. Someone to go research grants for you. Someone to call back that donor.  Someone to print out the thank-you notes. Someone to make sure the goodie bags are on the event tables.

You know. Someone to pick up the slack.

How can you find that person (or people?)

How can you get the help you need, even without the budget or putting more hours in the day?

I have two words for you.

Fundraising Volunteers.

  • Do you want more fundraising volunteers?
  • Do you want help with all of the little things you’d rather have someone else do?
  • Do you want people for your phone-a-thon? Or people to help you raise more money?

You will love Your Ultimate Guide to Fundraising with Volunteers.

In this four-week e-course, you will get instructions, resource lists, worksheets, checklists, surveys, quizzes and more to help you get the fundraising help that you need to succeed.

What’s inside?

 Week 1: Finding & Interviewing Fundraising Volunteers

  • Best websites to recruit volunteers
  • Which corporations have robust volunteering programs
  • Compelling Volunteer job descriptions
  • Help your volunteers feel valued: Super volunteer surveys
  • How to show you’ll be a good partner for corporations
  • Recruiting younger volunteers/diverse volunteers
  • How volunteers can earn you money right away

 Week 2: Engaging Fundraising Volunteers

  • Current trends in corporate volunteering
  • Making partnerships work
  • How to create a partnership agreement
  • Pro-bono volunteering
  • Getting more out of your board members

Week 3: Fundraising with Volunteers, Step by Step

  • How corporate volunteers can raise money for your nonprofit
  • Phone-a-thons with volunteers
  • Board volunteers and fundraising
  • Turning volunteers into donors
  • The real treasure in your volunteer community

Week 4: Retaining Fundraising volunteers & Ending Partnerships

  • Meaningful check-ins and appreciation events
  • Best phrases to keep your volunteers happy
  • Short term versus long term volunteering
  • Having those difficult conversations
  • How to redirect volunteers.


If this isn’t enough to have you clicking buy, these FIVE free gifts will surely do the trick.


You’ll get

#1 a BONUS webinar recording on how to recruit volunteers



#2 ANOTHER bonus webinar recording on how to use volunteers to fundraise


#3! PLUS an interview with Desiree Adaway on having difficult conversations


#4: PLUS bonus materials like:

  1. Fabulous Phone-a-thon checklist
  2. Volunteer job survey
  3. Board fundraising questionnaire to pass out at your next board meeting
  4. AND MORE!

WHEW! That’s a lot of goodies … and you get it all FREE when you try Your Ultimate Guide to Fundraising with Volunteers.

Even if you’re a small, rural, isolated nonprofit, you can get the volunteer help you need, from all over the world!

When you buy this product, you will be placed on an email list that will email you the product, one week at a time. You will not be placed on any other list, and once the course is over you will get no further emails from us.

Who are we?


Desiree Adaway:

As the former Director of Volunteer Mobilization for Habitat for Humanity, Ms. Adaway raised over $10M with volunteers. She consults with nonprofits around volunteer recruitment and retention, program effectiveness, and more. Previous clients include: Rotary International, YWCA, and more.




mazarine treyz

Mazarine Treyz:

Mazarine Treyz, BA, (Bard College), is the author of the popular Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising. Her book was named as one of the Top 10 books of 2010 by Beth Kanter, CEO of Zoetica and author of The Networked Nonprofit.

In 2003 Mazarine wrote her first grants for Indonesian nonprofit Yayasan Emmanuel. In 2005 she co-founded a nonprofit called “The Moon Balloon Project” on the south shore of Boston, MA. Since that time she has raised over $1M for various local, national, and international nonprofits with appeals, emails, grants, sponsorships, and more.

Previous speaking engagements include:

  • Association of Fundraising Professionals (2014)
  • Blackbaud (2013)
  • (2013)
  • (2013)
  • National SBA Small Business Week (2013)
  • Oregon SBDC (2013)
  • Willamette Valley Development Officers (2013)
  • The Scleroderma Foundation National Leadership Conference (2012-2013)
  • Meals on Wheels National training seminars and conference (2012-2013)
  • University of Portland’s Master’s in Nonprofit Management program (2012)
  • Center for Nonprofit Organizations, (2011)
  • Young Nonprofit Professionals Network in Austin (2011)
  • Texas Association for Nonprofit Organizations (TANO) (2010) and more.

Ms. Treyz has taught hundreds of national and international nonprofits how to fundraise since 2009. Ms. Treyz created the first Fundraising Android Apps in 2010. In 2012 she published The Wild Woman’s Guide to Social Media, which got a 5 star rating from in 2013. In 2013 she published Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide, which also got a 5 star rating from

What have people said about Desiree Adaway and Mazarine Treyz’s Volunteer trainings?

From the Director of Education at Meals-on-Wheels National:


From VolunteerMatch and Nonprofits:





What is an E-course?
An e-course is written material, sent to you every week, in a printable format. It will also include two recorded webinars and a recorded podcast. We created this format so that you can go at your own pace, and fit the e-course into your busy schedule. Want to see a sample of Your Ultimate Guide to Fundraising with Volunteers? Just Click Here.

Is it live?
One person asked, is it a live webinar that I’ll need to login to attend? It is not a live webinar. Because of everyone’s busy schedules, we are making this e-course of written material, plus two recorded webinars, and a podcast recording, so that you can learn this information exactly when it is convenient for you.

How long will the course take me to complete?
The course will take roughly 2 hours a week. There’s also two recorded webinars that may take a little more time.

Will there be printable materials?
Yes! Every week you will get an email with an attached pdf that you can print and put into a binder.

Will there be any opportunities to ask questions?
Absolutely! You can email me unlimited emails for the duration of the course.

Will there be practice exercises to complete?
Yes, there will be practice exercises to complete. I include worksheets and templates in all of my webinars and e-courses. I believe that if you apply your learning instantly, then it sticks!

Is there a money-back guarantee?
YES! If you are not satisfied for any reason, I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.



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