Today we are interviewing Tanya M. Odom about creating inclusive workplaces. We asked her these questions:

1. Tanya, what is the Research on unconscious bias?
2. Why do mission driven organizations have unique challenges with unconscious bias? 
3. What is systemic analysis and why is it so important? 
4. What are Microaggressions?
5. What is the Impact of Microaggressions?
6. What is the connection between unconscious bias and microaggressions?
7. What is the research on Belonging telling us?
8. We go into nonprofit spaces, and the spaces are not created for different kinds of groups- we become targets because of systems of inequity. What can we do to address inequity?
9. How do people internalize microaggressions?
10. Bringing it back home- If you are the target of microaggressions-  if you notice a microaggression but you are not the target

11. What are micro-affirmations and how can you practice them?


Microaffirmations and Microinequities Microaggressions Don’t Just Hurt Your Feelings

Microaggressions in Everyday Life:
Microaggressions at Work: Microaggressions Still Present in the Workplace:

Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send (UCLA):The most racist people are also the least likely to recognize their own racism, according to a new study, May 9, 2019 Unconscious bias what is it and can it be eliminated? The guardian UKWorkplace micro-inequities, working mother magazine  Do you experience micro-inequities at work? Here’s how to combat   Wikipedia – origin of the theory of micro-inequity by Mary Rowe (MIT)      MIT leadership blog, transforming workplace culture with micro-affirmations  10 things every teacher should know about micro-aggression, we are teachers online   Micro affirmations in the classroom, we are teachers online    1 minute video – example of micro-affirmation in the classroom, we are teachers online      The search for a kinder work place, Chicago tribune    The power of micro-affirmations and micro-advantages, she geeks out online       

Who is Tanya M. Odom?

Tanya M. Odom, Ed.M.  is a global consultant, writer, coach, and diversity, equity, and inclusion thought leader.

She has worked globally for over 20 years, in over 40 countries, as a consultant, coach, storyteller, and facilitator focusing on areas including: Diversity and Inclusion, Inclusive Leadership, Race/Racism, Gender Equity, Challenging Conversations, Mindfulness, Coaching, Wellbeing, Innovation and Creativity,  and Educational Equity.   Tanya’s unique portfolio career has allowed her to work in the education, private sector/corporate, not-for-profit/NGO,  arts, law enforcement, and  university/college arenas.    She is the co-author of “Evaluation in the Field of Education for Democracy, Human Rights and Tolerance.”  Tanya is a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post, where she has written posts about diversity, leadership, self-compassion, and mindfulness. Tanya also writes for Tanya’s work and commentary has also appeared in several publications including Diversity Woman Magazine, Bloomberg News, among others.    Tanya was named by Diversity Best Practices as “A Diversity Thought Leader to Follow on Twitter.”     As a mindfulness practitioner, Tanya weaves in mindfulness research and practice in her work with individuals and groups and connects it to leadership, teams, intentional inclusion, and the mitigating of unconscious bias.    Often called an innovator and disrupter, Tanya is featured in a chapter in Dr. Patti Fletcher’s book “Disrupters.”