Welcome to the Fundraising Mastermind Elite Masterclass Vault

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Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot!

Who: Every Masterclass is taught by a fundraising guru! We have John Lepp, Jeff Schreifels, Jay Love, Claire Axelrad, and Mazarine Treyz!

Time: Each class is between 60 minutes and 75 minutes long. So set aside some time!

Format: Some are MP4s, and some are WMVs. If you have a Mac and can’t watch WMVs, then download the Flip4Mac app to watch.

How to watch: You can watch directly in your browser by clicking the title of each class, OR Click the title of each masterclass to download the recording and watch at your lesiure. If you need help accessing a recording, just email us at info@wildwomanfundraising.com.

You’re going to get some seriously good advice here-so let’s get cracking!

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Annual Report Masterclass ONE

Creating a Better Annual Report! You’ll learn graphic design basics, where to find inspiration, and MORE!

Annual Report Masterclass TWO

Advanced Annual Report strategies for Fundraising-In this masterclass we cover how online annual reports work, deeper graphic design strategies and Cover inspiration

Design Trends Masterclass THREE

Here are the latest trends, so you can look like you hired a designer, even if you didn’t! PLUS demos of exactly how to make a quick and easy infographic, AND how to make an annual report landing page. Year End Fundraising Masterclass- Original cost: $397 100454 (21)

Year End Fundraising Masterclass ONE

Are you ready to get in depth on how to take your year end campaign to the next level?

Year End Fundraising Masterclass TWO

How can you create a stunning direct mail package, piece by piece?

Crucial Year End Giving Strategies Masterclass THREE

This wildly popular presentation has audiences cheering! Top level tips with action items too.

Everything I know about direct mail I learned from my Mother in Law

John Lepp talks about how he writes direct mail, and how it makes tons of money for causes, all because he keeps one very special person in mind. Major Gifts Masterclass: Let’s face it, Major Gifts are one of the best ways to fundraise! So what are you waiting for? Get started below!
Original price: $397

Major Gifts Masterclass ONE

Claire Axelrad talks about how to get ready to get a major gift

Major Gifts Masterclass TWO

Jay Love, CEO of Bloomerang, and Major donor, talks about how it feels to be asked for a major gift. 

(Here are the slides)

Major Gifts Masterclass -How to ask for a major gift with art & heart

Claire Axelrad talks about how to ask for the gift, and how to follow up. 

(Here are the slides)

BONUS: How to find potential major donors

Jeff Schriefels talks about how to find hidden potential major donors in your database. (Here are the slides)

Bonus TWO: Coldcalling Major Donors Made Easy

Development Director Kristen Kennedy teaches you how to make major donor calls and not dread them as much. (here are the slides)

BONUS THREE: 5 Steps to Major Gifts with Ellen Bristol

Ellen Bristol of Bristol Strategy Group shares how to track major gifts and not get stuck in the endless waiting to close the gift.  (here are the slides) Earned income Masterclass:  Did you know that most of the largest nonprofits make most of their money through earned income? That’s right. Hospitals, Schools, Universities and other large nonprofits are making most of their money this way. So, how do you get in on the action? The recordings and interview below will help you brainstorm how to do something new, or make the most of the earned income streams you already have.  100454 (22)

Earned Income 101

In this class, we go over all the different ways you can create earned income for your nonprofit- and the actual margins you might expect for each one. From least investment to most!

This session will help you think about what earned income strategy makes the most sense for you.

(Note for each webinar, you’ll need to download the recording to play the full recording)

How to think like an entrepreneur for your nonprofit

With Sarai Johnson of the Entrepreneurial Nonprofit!

In this session we’ll learn how to shift your mindset to create exponentially more income for your organization.

Next Level Fundraising

Have you ever wondered how big companies innovate? In this advanced session, we’ll look at some key strategies and techniques to help you get creative with the need you see in your donors and community, and the tools you already have. 

Don’t forget the 6 thinking hats!

BONUS: Interview with C. Nicole Henderson on earned income strategies

C. Nicole Henderson has seen many different nonprofits use earned income to take it to the next level. Listen to her stories here.

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