Here are Your Fundraising Gurus!

Now you’ve got the tools to succeed in fundraising! 

How does this work?

You can either watch the recording via the link or download a recording by clicking below. The recording is approximately 60 minutes long. It will be either in WMV or MP4 format. If you need to look at a WMV recording on a Mac, download the Flip4Mac app. Any questions? Just email us at 1.Fundraising Planning
Start at the beginning. You don’t want to do anything without a fundraising plan! Click here to watch your Fundraising Planning Webinar. Then check out the Fundraising planning e-course

2.E-newsletters and Email

Before you can get people to become donors, you’ve got to build a relationship and start to communicate. How do you do this? Look at these recordings:

Melinda Snow-Olson-Beginning Email strategies to get new donors
Melinda Snow-Olson-Advanced Email strategies to get new donors
Mazarine Treyz-Getting people to open your e-newsletter and
Mazarine Treyz-Getting donations through your e-newsletter 3.Monthly Giving

In times of great crisis, we need our monthly givers more than ever! This is a way to spread out the risk and keep cash flowing into your nonprofit.

Watch this webinar with Erica Waasdorp about how to grow your monthly giving program-NOW.

4.Major Gifts

Once you get monthly gifts, you’ll help people start making giving to you a habit, and then they might give a thoughtful gift. Watch these webinars to learn how to get major gifts for your nonprofit.

Jeff Schreifels – How to identify people in your database who might be major gifts prospects
Amy Eisenstein – The Major Gifts Challenge
Joe Garecht – The Art of the In-Person Ask
Robert Weiner –  The Right Gift from the Right Person at the Right Time 5.Annual Reports
Did you know that your annual report can be a fundraising tool as well as a donor cultivation tool? It’s true! Check out our e-course and masterclass as well!
Mazarine Treyz: Creating Better Annual Reports 
Mazarine Treyz: Advanced Annual Reports for Fundraising  6.Appeal Letters and Direct Mail

Your year end appeal (and spring and summer appeals) don’t just have to be a chore. They can be ways to test new stories, perspectives, testimonials, and graphics for your donors.

Listen to these recordings and get inspired:
John Lepp-Everything I Needed to Know about Direct Mail I Learned from my Mother-in-Law
Mazarine Treyz-Tons of Money in the Mail and
Mazarine Treyz-Anatomy of a Successful Appeal Letter and
Mazarine Treyz-Crucial Year End Giving Strategies 7.Building a Better Board

Are you tired of trying to get your board to fundraise? There’s gotta be a better way! And here are some experts to show you that way. Watch these webinars with some of the top thinkers on board development today:

Simone Joyaux, Author of “Firing Lousy Board Members (And helping the other ones succeed)”Recruiting the right board members
Gayle GiffordMaking your board more effective
Gail Perry, Author of “Fired up Fundraising”Helping Board Members Fundraise
Andy Robinson, Author of “What Every Board Members Needs to Know, Do and AvoidMotivating Your Board 8.Nonprofit Management
Are you a nonprofit leader, or would you like to become one?
Here are some nonprofit management webinars to help you get on track and stay on track in your job. Joanne Oppelt-How to be a better Executive Director
Linda Lysakowski-Creating a Culture of Philanthropy
Mazarine Treyz-How to expand your mindset on growing your nonprofit
Mazarine Treyz-How to Manage Your Fundraising Team or Yourself! 9.Volunteers
Did you know that volunteers give 10x as much as non-volunteers? Learn how to attract and retain volunteers here!
Mazarine Treyz: How to Recruit and Retain Volunteers 10.Stewardship

Stewardship helps you keep your donors, even when they have less money, or other causes are asking them. To make your donors more loyal, you have to learn how to be aware of their needs. And how to look in your database to see who might like a bit more attention.

Mazarine Treyz-Love Your Donors
Robert Weiner-The Brave New World of Donor Databases 11.Careers

So, we have a whole conference about this, but if you want some stand-alone recordings as well, here you go!

Mazarine Treyz, Author of “Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide”– Creating a Stunning Fundraising Resume
Mazarine Treyz
How to write a kick-ass fundraising cover letter
Mazarine TreyzHow to negotiate your fundraising salary
Karen O’Keefe– General nonprofit salary negotiation tips

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