Are you ready to rise?

Here’s where you get the tools to
succeed in your fundraising career! Here are highly-rated sessions from the Fundraising Career Conference 2015-2017
Each session is roughly 60 minutes long, including questions at the end. To watch the video in your browser, simply click on the link. There will also be a download button on that page to allow you to download the recording. It may be in MP4 or WMV format.

1.Resume and Cover Letters

Start at the beginning. Let’s get your Resume and Cover Letter looking fantastic!

Mazarine Treyz-How to Create a Stunning Fundraising Resume
Mazarine Treyz-5 tips to create the Ultimate Fundraising Cover Letter 2.Interviewing and Salary Negotiation

You need to learn how to give a better interview. Claire Axelrad can teach you how. She’s hired fundraising departments, and knows exactly what hiring managers look for. Watch Claire Axelrad’s session on How to Have a Successful Interview

Now that you’re at the interview stage, you want to make sure you ask for a good salary!

Here’s Meghan Godorov teaching you how you can ask for a higher salary.

More salary resources
Salary Negotiation Worksheet
AAUW WorkSmart Workbook
–Accomplishments Spreadsheet  
Efficiency Wages Article
Cygnet Research Article 3.Career Pathing

How to find the right fundraising job for YOU Based on Abby Leinwand Haggerty’s research

Check out this presentation on Career Pathing by a fundraising recruiter, Phil Gerard

Download the Career Pathing Ebook to help you chart your progress down this path!

4.Getting a Major Gifts Role

Here’s a presentation by Phil Gerard, fundraising recruiter, on how to get a major gifts role

If you want to do university or hospital fundraising as well, here’s John Urschel with a presentation on how to break into university or hospital fundraising.

5.Healthier Work/Life Balance

Sheena Greer can teach you how to have better boundaries at work.

How to have better boundaries in the workplace
Learn how to play in your nonprofit workplace

Here’s a panel with Pearl Waldorf, psychotherapist, and Brenda Reihl, on how to do self care at work

Listen to Vic Albina, MPH, on nonprofit self care strategies

6.Managing Up and Managing Others

We have so many good presentations on how to manage up, manage others and more!

Kishshana Palmer-Positive Management Your Strengths in the Workplace

Kishshana Palmer- How to Grow Your Fundraising by Using Your Strengths

Kishshana Palmer-Managing Up when Your Boss is Not a Fundraiser

Kishshana Palmer-Dealing with Difficult People

Pearl Waldorf-How to communicate more effectively at work

Peter Drury-Managing Your Own Career and the Career of Others

7.How to be a better executive director

Joanne Oppelt – How to be a better executive director

8.Becoming a consultant

Learn from Tom Ahern, Mazarine Treyz, Linda Lysakowski and 4 other consultants on how to become a successful nonprofit consultant.

Tom Ahern and Mazarine Treyz on how to be a successful consultant

Consulting Panel with Linda Lysakowski, Helen Arnold, Susan Schaefer-how to set up your business, how to market your business, legal structures, and more!

Linda Lysakowski and Mazarine Treyz on How to create your own luck as a nonprofit consultant

9.Creating a Culture of Philanthropy

Linda Lysakowski can teach you how to help everyone fundraise at your nonprofit, and take the burden off of one person’s shoulders. Watch-How to Create a Culture of Philanthropy

10.Crafting a better relationship with your boss

Mazarine Treyz-How to rock your first 90 days

Marc Pitman and Mazarine Treyz- How to Deliberately Build Trust

Mira Boucher – How to Get More Done in Your Fundraising Office

11.How to work with a recruiter

Phil Gerard explains how to work with a recruiter

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