After decades of government and non-profit experience, Mazarine Treyz shares her expertise with the community, partners with other strong practitioners and helps grow the capacity and success of the nonprofit community in Portland and beyond.

Previously, Mazarine served as the Development Director for Austin Civic Orchestra, Development Officer for Urban League of Portland, and Development Manager for Clackamas Women’s Services.

Recent projects include:

  • City of Portland Office of Violence Prevention capacity building program for nonprofits working to end gun violence 2023-Present
  • Portland Community Energy Fund capacity building consulting for nonprofit focused on immigrant gardening initiatives 2023
  • State of Oregon Division of Financial Services Organizational Development Training 2024
  • Oregon Metro Procurement Department, equity in contracting training 2018-Present resulting in increased contracting with diverse firms.
  • State of Washington Department of Enterprise Services Organizational Development Training 2023-Present
  • Faile Foundation board retreat and fund development training 2020-2023
  • The Monell Institute in Philadelphia, PA, digital and direct mail support. Results: Increased year-end giving 39%, including new donors and increased giving from current donors. 2023-2024
  • Food on Foot homeless nonprofit in Los Angeles, CA, strategic planning and fundraising training. Results: Doubled monthly donors from 300-600, and highest income ever in 2020. 2015-2020

Mazarine Treyz founded her company to shift mindsets and catalyze powerful changes in the nonprofit sector. Her recent keynotes on Post-capitalist futures and Resisting Work have been called inspirational and motivating.

Fun fact: Mazarine loves making art! And writing. And cuddling her cute cat, Ace!a

Community Based Organization / Nonprofit work:

For the first 5 years of her career she co-founded a nonprofit, worked in-house for social justice and social service agencies, and more, moving up from Development Assistant to Development Director. For the last 10 years she created training materials, directed 15 online conferences, wrote 3 books and worked with nonprofit clients who want to take their fundraising to the next level.

If you are looking for technical assistance and capacity building work, Treyz has experience with:

  • Earned income streams such as government contracting, selling training and more.
  • Fundraising plans and communications plans
  • Direct mail communications for in-house lists, acquisition lists, monthly givers, and more
  • Employee Engagement and Leadership support such as helping new leaders learn how to motivate teams, boards and more
  • Offer 10+ courses and a variety of recorded webinars to help staff and boards learn how to fundraise more effectively.

Schedule a complimentary 15 minute call to discuss your challenges or projects.

Our clients get REAL fundraising results because we assess your current program carefully, and then tell you the truth about the challenges and potentials of your program. Then we work together to create a fundraising plan to get you on track with your fundraising goals. Get started here

If you’d like to see clients’ results, and read what people say about working with us, just go here

If you’d like to see our work with government, go here

We are committed to equity, inclusion and accountability. If you would like to make a comment or see how we live that, please go here

How does an appeal letter edit work?

Let me tell you about Louise. Louise lives alone in her own home. Her children live out of town. Her income is enough to cover her monthly expenses.

But sometimes she forgets to pay her bills.

She also hired people to do things around her house and they over-charged her.

Sometimes she went to the bank several times a day to withdraw money.

It wasn’t long before she began having financial problems. Her checking account was overdrawn, and her property taxes were delinquent. The day she received a disconnect notice from the utility company, she panicked and asked her bank manager for help. He. . .

10 Shocking Scary Secrets of Working in Fundraising

Scary by Marco Mazzei from Flickr

If you’ve ever had a crazy fundraising job, you need to read this post.

Here’s a secret blog post from October 2009, that I put on my private blog, before I had started Wild Woman It was just after I finished a crazy job, and so many things on this list rang true for me.

Part 3: Managing Volunteers 101

You’ve got a good group of volunteers, but now you need to keep them. You have to think of creative ways to keep your volunteers with you, because these volunteers

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