Would you like to see how working with us has helped others? You can see what results people have gotten from our work together.

APPLY FOR YOUR FREE STRATEGY SESSION NOW jennie-swantz “Wow! Thanks to my coaching work with Mazarine, I have developed both the inner confidence and the strategies to increase my rates over 60% from where they were 18 months ago. I have so many client requests that I now have a four-month waiting list, even during a pandemic! Over the past year and a half, Mazarine Treyz’s Mastermind group has helped me name and claim my desires and my goals! On top of this, Mazarine has helped me create my dream of passive income by training me to make my first online course. Now I can work less and spend more time hiking the mountains that I love, while still being able to help people! If you want to raise your rates, get more clients, or create passive income, definitely work with Mazarine!”

Jennie Swantz
The Nonprofit Gardener, Red Hook, NY

irene “For the last year, I have been in Mazarine’s mastermind. She helps women expand their businesses and grow. In the beginning, I was overwhelmed and could not see the future or what I could accomplish. Because of our work together, I feel more confident, focused, and organized around my expanding business. With her help, I have more contracts, more renewals, and incredible outcomes that I could not imagine was possible for me. Our weekly meetings have been such a help during a chaotic time. I would hire her again in a heartbeat. You should hire her too. ”

Irene Konev

Kenita Smith, Executive Director, HOPE Inc, Atlanta, GA I took some of the best practices you gave me for speaking engagements, fit them to my personality, and it’s tripled our revenue!

Kenita Smith
Executive Director, HOPE Inc, Atlanta, GA

Brynn Evans, Executive Director, Meals on Wheels of Lamoille County, VT We have already reached our campaign goal for the year prior to our summer mailing even going out! Working with you made this happen! Thank you!

Brynn Evans
Executive Director, Meals on Wheels of Lamoille County, VT

Celia Triggs-Honohan, Director, Immaculate School, New Jersey Thanks to your coaching, the dinner was a great success. The scholarship ask was $30,000, $10,000 more than last year, and the whole event raised $30,000 more than last year!

Celia Triggs-Honohan
Director, Immaculate School, New Jersey

Judi de Souter, Director of Advancement, Catholic Development Partners, New York, NY After your last webinar on donor newsletters, I used a bit of the info you shared and put it into a LOI which went out the next afternoon. Long story short, the recipient liked it so much that she called (what must have been almost immediately) and after a twenty minute conversation by phone, she OFFERED (without letting me get to the ask) $85,000. Thank you!

Judi de Souter
Director of Advancement, Catholic Development Partners, New York, NY

Czarina Boyce, Board Member, HOPE Chinese Charter School, #1 Charter school in Oregon, Beaverton, OR I personally hired Mazarine Treyz as a coach to guide me and strategize our fundraising efforts at HOPE Chinese Charter School. Our first monthly giving campaign closed at $101,590, (over goal) the highest ever raised! All I did was apply the strategy I learned from Mazarine.

Czarina Boyce
Board Member, HOPE Chinese Charter School, #1 Charter school in Oregon, Beaverton, OR

Sam Hatzenbeler, MPH, Development Manager, Economic Opportunity Institute, Seattle, Washington Thanks to you, we had our most successful EOY campaign EVER. We had an 81% increase, a 31% increase in gift amount, and a 13% increase in number of donors! We raised $37,036 from 53 donors.

Sam Hatzenbeler
MPH, Development Manager, Economic Opportunity Institute, Seattle, Washington

100454.761471b54e059dc3fc56a8833c7dd5d3 Carol J. Miller, Denver, CO After taking your advice, I landed my new job – after almost a year of looking! I usually low-ball in Denver because they don’t pay well here. And doggonit if I didn’t get $5,000 MORE than I asked for. I had 2 competing offers and I had done all the research and pumped myself FULL of great self-confidence boosting messages and affirmations and it was amazing. I am happy and employed and more confident than ever. I found my voice! THANK YOU.

Carol J. Miller
Denver, CO

Laura Day Mazarine’s presentation about negotiating your nonprofit salary at the AFP Conference in San Francisco was extraordinary. Mazarine brought contagious energy and encouragement to her session. It was a great mix of presenting and practice! I’ll definitely keep an eye out for her sessions in the future!

Laura Day

Natalie Ramos, Chicago, IL Thanks to your advice, I negotiated my salary, then they gave a number! I couldn’t believe it, and it was a good number.

Natalie Ramos
Chicago, IL

Mike Ryan, CFRE, St. Louis, MO Your session on salary negotiation at the AFP National Fundraising Conference in San Francisco was the most important, useful session I attended the whole conference. Just a follow up: I recently accepted a position at a new employer. I applied a lot of what I learned in your session before and during negotiation. It was so helpful in determining the fairness of their offer and making sure I got what I deserved. I’m really happy with the compensation package I received and I’m so excited for the new opportunity!

Mike Ryan
CFRE, St. Louis, MO

Fayth Ross, Executive Director, Urban Roots, Reno, NV You have officially made my day (heck, week!). And as my subject line says, “I heart you even more now.” YOU were everything I hoped for. You are such a delightful person, full of passion, knowledge, and motivation. Your presentation blew us all away. It was such a pleasure to meet you and I’m totally bragging left and right that I got to take YOU out to dinner the night before. Who says being President of AFP doesn’t have it’s perks? 😉 Thank you again. Many, many times over.

Fayth Ross
Executive Director, Urban Roots, Reno, NV

Andrea Edelman, San Mateo, CA After attending one of Mazarine’s sessions, you seriously feel invincible! Mazarine was like a group spirit guide; she provided the foundation of knowledge, and then urged us to ask ourselves questions. Not only was the session engaging, informative, and highly applicable, but she did something that I did not see at any other sessions at the conference – in a room of 200, in less than an hour, she made a community. A community where EVERYONE, young and old, felt comfortable to ask questions, make comments, and engage with others in the room

Andrea Edelman
San Mateo, CA

Michael Sexton, Ashe Sharing Center, jefferson, NC Thanks to your year end giving class, we were able to reactivate our lapsed donors! One new giver gave $1,000!  While we always had a return rate of between 25% to 35%, I noticed that we were reaching people who had not given in some time.  Thank you!

Michael Sexton
Ashe Sharing Center, jefferson, NC

Robert Raney, Vice President for Donor Relations, Child Impact International, Tennessee This is by far the best webinar I have ever participated in, hands down.  Mazarine not only presented fantastic material she did it in such an engaging manner.  I am looking forward to sharing all that I learned with my CEO and the marketing team as we start working on our annual report.  The information given was so timely and I can see where it will be useful in making our quarterly newsletter more effective as well.  Thanks for a turning a boring subject and a dreaded task into an exciting much anticipated adventure!

Robert Raney
Vice President for Donor Relations, Child Impact International, Tennessee

Robin Scurto, Development and Marketing Associate, Lone Tree Arts Center, Denver, Colorado Thanks to the clear instruction in your monthly giving presentation, we have begun to roll out our monthly giving campaign. We received two new donors to our organization with just one email announcing this new giving option! Our season has just started with a full page ad in the program. I’m ready with my tracking sheet and premiums to include in their hand written thank you notes. Thanks for your methodical presentation of this process!

Robin Scurto
Development and Marketing Associate, Lone Tree Arts Center, Denver, Colorado

Gary, Co-Founder, 21stCenturyMen.org, Seattle, Washington I am a professional trainer, I’ve trained intensely to lead programs and workshops and have led to rooms of hundreds of people. I have also had the great pleasure to be involved with many iterations of a intensive 7 month training program that taught people how to be powerful, authentic, and effective when leading in front of people. and I have trained many hundreds of people in these programs. I say all the above so you will know that I know what I am talking about when I say you were great in front of the room. You are very connected, authentic, knowledgeable, warm and relaxed. I really enjoyed being with you for that period of time.

Co-Founder, 21stCenturyMen.org, Seattle, Washington

Denise Hawkinson, Ph.D., Board member, Post-Partum Health Alliance We are a grassroots organization doing our fifth fundraising event next year. Mazarine’s Wildly Successful Events Sponsorship Webinar helped us brainstorm who to approach and lots of ways to convince them to sponsor us! Tremendous value. If you’re looking for sponsors, take this course!

Denise Hawkinson
Ph.D., Board member, Post-Partum Health Alliance

Sue Ann Lynes Wildly Successful Events provided me with valuable information and some creative new ideas that I will put into practice immediately! So much to think about!

Sue Ann Lynes
Executive Assistant/Corporate Membership, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Iowa

Colleen Payne, Executive Director, Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky I learned so much from Mazarine’s Wildly Successful Events seminar! I have already put some of her tips into place with great success! It’s definitely a valuable presentation.

Colleen Payne
Executive Director, Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky

Magda Hageman-Apol, Vice President and Director of the Meals On Wheels Leadership Academy We just had a very inspiring webinar with Mazarine Treyz. She worked with me to customize her presentation to meet the specific needs of our member programs and to make sure they had immediately applicable tips to take-away. She is a powerhouse of information on recruiting and retaining volunteers.

Magda Hageman-Apol
Vice President and Director of the Meals On Wheels Leadership Academy

Claudia-Harrod-Cincinnati-Area-Senior-Services-Cincinnati-Ohio copy At the end of one of Mazarine’s webinars, I asked if she would review the year-end appeal letter I was in the process of writing. She readily agreed and off it went. Within hours, the letter was back in my in-box with some excellent suggestions. She has the ability to hone in on what is really important, eliminate what isn’t and identify what needs special emphasis. Her webinar was packed with practical, easy to incorporate tips and I learned more in that one hour than I have in two to three hour workshops.

Claudia Harrod
Cincinnati Area Senior Services, Cincinnati, Ohio




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